
Am I the only one who thinks this way about life?

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i'm 15

That i'm just tired of everything in life.

I'm frustrated all the time

always sad but having to fake that i'm happy around everyone

theres nothing to look forward to

it seems pointless to go on

my parents dislike me they tell me all the time how

much better my brothers and sisters are better than me

and how i'm nothing and will never acheive in life

and always pressureing me to be someone i don't

want to be. theres killing me inside and when I try and tell them and talk to them they think i'm smart mouthing them and yell at me and slap me.

I think about suicide or running away plenty

but I don't think I could ever go through with suicide, my faith in god is to much that is scares me to think if I were to kill myself how could i stand up to him and what he would do with me.

and I want to run away but I don't think i could leave I DO want to acheive in life. I want to become an archeologist. and i know running away would ruin my chances.

what do I do... I just honstly can't take liveing the life I live anymore. I get sick just thinking about it. what am i supposed to do?




  1. You're 15. You're going through one of the hardest times in your life. Stand up to your parents, smile in their face, and just tell them that you know you're smart and you can do great things in life, and one day you'll make them proud. Strive to do your best in school, pass all your grades, and think about asking God for guidance in the time of your life. Trust me, life will get better for you. Start praying about it, and he'll show you the way.  

  2. awwww, wow. i remember feeling alot like this when i was younger. im glad to hear that you have goals in life. when i was younger i used to be the class clown but deep down i was hurting. BAD. i started talking to God and asking him to just keep me strong throughout my childhood. i had alot of bad expierences and i had to grow up faster than most. i thought about suicide alot and i actually did run away a few times. i promise you itll get better as time goes on, just dont give up. find a friend you can confide in. and if you cant then just let me know ill talk to you. i know with you being so young it seems like your life is just h**l, but everything you're going thru now will make you a stronger individual later on. and as far as your parents go, if they cant see your potential and except you for who you are, i know you feel bad about that but one day they'll see how cool you are. =) i know you have a bright future ahead of you and if you need anyone to talk to im here. good luck sweetie

  3. I think there are several points of time in ones life when they feel like this. Teen times are probably the worst. You are not the ruler of yourself since you live under your parent's roof.

    I don't think the insults from them are good for your ego, but this is the item they choose to try to motivate you. And, a poor one I might add.

    Learn from this mistake and when you have children one day, know that positive encouragement is the best way to motivate your children.

    You need to work through this time in your life because there are going to be many more of them. This is why the divorce rates are so high--people never learn to work through their problems. Instead they choose to run from them.

    Don't be a runner. Runners will only face these same problems over and over until they can run no more and are faced with finally trying to solve the issue.

    No, I don't think you need to see a doctor. Working through problems is what makes one mature. We all need to face problems. We all need to learn how to solve them.

  4. you sound like me when i was young , oddly enough i wanted to be an Archelologist as well. And i remember coming home from school one day and all excited because i knew what i wanted to be in life.

    and my parents told me the following: Oh why don't you be sensable , and be a secratry or book keeper until you find someone to marry and have kids.  

    After that  they enrolled me in a  typing class. :(

    But , guess what I never had any kids, never learn to type or work as a secretary or book keeper.  I traveled much of the world, did exciting things, hung out with the rich and the famous.  ( ended up working as a special effects makeup artist. ....

    my parents also abused me when i was a child and never did give the reconization i had earned , but i understand we are just two differant breeds of people.

    You are going against the grain of what they believe to be a great life, and to them it is a great life. ( but each person opion of what life should be is differant) what works for one isn't what works for all.

    I ended up running away time and time again.  But the funny thing is was I would run away and enroll in school and get a small job. at your age.

    I understand now that my parents horizons were not as broad as mine and they were happy , some people are happy to stay in their own back yards for the rest of their lives,  some of the things they said or warned me about rang true but most of it didn't.

    If i were you and had to do it all over again: I would lock myself up in whatever safe zone you have IG your room whatever and study my tail off. get those grades try to finish your school early then off to colledge  in the summer when you have no class summer  start to study for colledge courses that you know you will have to take to become what you want to be.

    and keep the attitude that you can not control what is going on around you but you will control your future ( THAT IS YOURS AND ONLY YOURS TO CONTROL )

  5. I think a lot of us can relate to this. You have a goal which is good .Life is all about what you want to make of it.

    You maybe different to your brothers and sisters and that is a good thing.

    As long as you get what you want to out of life then that should make you happy. In a few years time you will be able to move and get on with your life.

    In the mean time just keep focused on what it is exactly you want in your life and make all the moves to do it.

    As you say suicide or running away won't help with anything.

    I am glad you can make sense of that. So if you have the maturity to recognize those as a negative then you can focus on moving forward and looking forward to all you can be.

  6. talk with your parents about how you feel and let them know you need professional help. Talk with your school counselor and let her know how your feeling. Seek help (via parents/counselor/crisis line) of a professional. Don't hold your feelings in either it makes matters worse for you.

      If you are thinking of suicide go to the ER for assistance or contact your pastor/preacher/priest and speak with them.  

  7. i think you really need to go see a professional about your problem and pray with god and ask him for a way cuz he will make a way because to me it sounds like your very depressed!!!!!!  

  8. your really like me... but, try to get a therapists...

    there's the good and bad's of life. (:

    get friends, have fun. :)

  9. i know how u's really annoying being told what to do,and felling like nobody respects you.but ut will get better i promise.if ur not happy at home try to avoid talking to them,find a hobby and stay in your room when ur home.find a good friend u can talk to.and in 2 years at the most every thing will be just fine.

    it's a good think u have faith in god,pray for his help and he wont let you down.

    good luck.

  10. talk to social service maybe they can place you in fosterhome till you finish high school, after that your off to college and will do fine on your own i am sure

  11. If things really get bad, you could become an emancipated minor.

    But other than that you just have to stick it out.

    Dont give up!

  12. if your sick of everything at life wait till you move out of mommy and daddy's and start actually paying bills and have to get a job, you'll get a lot sicker.

    enjoy your life of leisure while it lasts

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