
Am I the only one who thought Sarah Palin's speech was fake and cheesy?

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I did try to give her a chance, I truly did, but she did not seem genuine to me.




  1. From Obama's speech, you can feel that he has the best interest of this country. From Palin's speech, you heard that she is just one from a messed up family. A small town girl, haven't been anywhere, make people pity of her. But people, we are looking for a leader, not a ordinary horkey mom. I'm a soccer mom, and the best cheer leader for the team, will you vote me me? lol.  

  2. WOW, the First poster just epitomizes the republican ideals and conservative views... and what tact she has. LOL Obama's Black ***... c'mon, you first poster, are definitely from the south, and definitely not helping the south's image of backwards hick racist hillbillies.   Admit, you are southern!!!!

    Anywho.... My thoughts on her speech was that she is the pretty face of the reps.. and it was a bunch of rhetoric about hockey moms and retarded children... boo hoooo.

    She's nothing more than a 44-year-old who parades her dysfunctional family as a poster-child for conservative values. Who has virtually no foreign policy experience. Who as mayor of an Alaskan town of 6,700 hired lobbyists to reel in $27 million in federal pork. That's $4,030 of the U.S. taxpayers' money per resident. We thought McCain wanted to close down the trough.

  3. Most of the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive even for those who didn't agree with her points.

    And ALL of these speeches at both conventions are read off of teleprompters by the way - yes, even Obama's.

  4. Yes I think you might be, she pulled off what even I was aprehensive of, I was afraid she would get in front of that huge stage and come apart, she delivered with grit.

    You have to hand it to her she's tough.

    Let me ask you one, Bill Clinton with a thinly veiled poke at Barack Hussein Obama pointed out that candidate X ( obama ) would promise you everything but you felt he couldn't deliver on anything he said. Bill doesn't think Obama is genuine in any of the things he's promised from the lecturn so how do you feel?.

  5. I like Sarah Palin, but i do agree with you.  really i guess what bothers me about this whole election is that its more about image than it is about issues.  

  6. Ok, I know you are confused but those were CHEETOS not the speech.  

    Put down the pipe and pay attention.

  7. You were not the only one who thought it was BS.

  8. I tried to give her a chance too, I wanted to hear what she had to say about America. And all I heard was what a mom she is, and how she hates everything Obama and most of the country stands for. She must be out of her mind if she thinks that would win over independents and democrats.  

  9. I agree

    On Larry King Live last night one of the commentators stated it was written by one of Regan's speech writers.

    The Republicans are really famous for dissing other Americans who dare to think differently than they.

    Interesting since freedom of thought  is guaranteed by the Constitution.

    Republicans are actually down right scary!


  10. For those of you criticizing her for using a teleprompter - why don't you try giving an hour long speech in front of millions of people and see if you can do every line from memory! The media tears them apart for making one misstep - I'd be using a teleprompter, too! Oh, and by the way - NONE of the recent speakers, Rep. OR Dem. write their own speeches

  11. That's because she was reading a speech writen by Karl Rove.  I cant wait for the debates.

  12. Yeah as a woman I too tried to listen to her without bias.

    She just did not strike me as someone I would have much in common with and I did not feel that she really knows what the average struggling person goes through here in this country despite the words coming from her mouth.

    I don't think she should be vice president.  

  13. no your not the only one - there are about 280 others in the US who also have your oppinion.  coincidentally a lot of them also post here on YA

  14. Vote Obama 4 Change... they all read from teleprompters!! Have you ever heard Obama speak without one?? He's horrible! He says things such as.. "well.. umm.. er... thats above my paygrade" When talking about exactly when a fetus is considered alive.

    In short, her speech was already written, she did practice it alot and at the beginning she seemed a little nervous.  But she recovered and I thought pulled it off very well.  I was a fence sitter until last night.  She won me over.  Shes aggresive and doesnt seem to take c**p, most importantly she doesnt seem to care if you give her c**p.  She keeps doing what she believes.  Thats the kind of person I want to lead my country.  Not someone that will run with his tail between his legs and claim the issue is just out of his paygrade.

  15. Don't blame Palin.

    McCain's people wrote that speech BEFORE they even knew who the nominee was going to be:

    "There was a flutter of attention when McCain campaign manager Rick Davis told a group of Post reporters and editors yesterday that his team was having to rework the vice presidential acceptance speech because the original draft, prepared before Gov. Sarah Palin was chosen, was too 'masculine.' "

  16. And Obama's genuine?...LOL

  17. Contrary to Granny's belief, no you weren't the only one.  Not only did it feel forced, it was insulting and degrading.  But what should one expect?

  18. Funny, I feel the same way about Hillary, Obama, and Michelle.

    I love this country. Everyone professing their opinions freely is wonderful.

  19. I did too. Iit was glossing around real issues America wants to hear. All I heard was what Obama is supposidly doing and NOT what SHE can do. Her speech avoided the subject. It was like she was trying to win points for Miss Congeniality. That's BS. I don't give a ding dang that she was a soccer mom who had a career. It's plenty of women like this. That don't mean you can run a country. Where were her facts? Why didn't she deny the investigation charges? All of these things were ignored. She was too busy trying to look like an everyday woman. I don't want an everyday woman running my country. I want someone with substance that can handle the job. Nothing she said showed me she could handle crisis. She can't even handle crisis in her own home. How are you gonna force your child to get married because she's pregnant? How come she didn't address her abstinence policy in school in relation to how it didn't save her own daughter. She didn't defend that. I don't give a ding dang that people say stay out of her personal life, but her personal life reflects her decisions PERIOD. If McCain was an alcoholic, could we say stay out of his personal life? No. When Clinton got caught cheating, did we stay out of his personal life? No. Her speech is more about appearance then this country. All gloss, no substance. Biden is gonna tear her up during the debates, and then she will cry everything is sexist. Just like she teetered on sexism, but had the nerve before being nominated for president to say Hillary shouldn't do it. This woman isn't together. McCain jacked up with this one.  

  20. Some of it was very cheesy, but then she was playing to the audience at the convention. I think that is a necessary evil of politics - say stupid stuff to fire up your base. We'll get a better idea of her over the next month or so.  

  21. Yes! Yes! And...Yes!

    You just wanted to give Palin a low score because you're a Obama supporter, right?

    I'm neither a Democrat nor Republican but I don't want to bend the truth like you and some Democrats when making a comment about Palin's speech.

    Good luck!

  22. No your not alone, I thought the same thing. No c**p she talked from a teleprompter, but it didnt sound like she meant it. It's not that hard to at least make it sound like she really meant it all.

    oh and BTW.

    Lib Basher, way to sound racist. I realize that not likeing a woman VP candidate might sound sexist, but it has nothing to do with her being a woman. but by saying "What does seem genuine to you?

    Obama's black ***?" Crosses the line a little too much.  

  23. it was the same speech she gave when they selected her she is shark bait oct 2 shes done

  24. Most politicians are convincing liars. She is no exception.

  25. Her speech was littered with tax lies. I pity emotional young conservatives who don't read and won't vote for the better candidate for their future, Senator Obama.

    It'll be fun to watch this Caribou Barbie without a teleprompter.

  26. I figure most liberal democrats have your opinion.... but i figure you better be getting used to her.. she is going to be YOUR vp.

  27. Yes the speech was cheesy but that is what was to be expected.  She is Governor of a state with a population less then that of Brooklyn, New York which is a county in the city of New York which is a city in the state of New York.  How much experience does she really have?  Did she ever address immigration issues, how bout pollution or congestion issues or maybe taxes.  Yeah she did address the tax issue as Mayor of her small town - she cut the property tax and then increased the sales tax to get even more money from the 7,000 people living there.  Palin has acknowledged smoking marijuana in the past. In a 2006 interview she said: "I can't claim a Bill Clinton and say that I never inhaled." I think she had a pull or two before speaking last night.  That's the only way she could believe what she was saying.

  28. Good timing with the question. She was sarcastic and over confident. She's been listening to and believing the McPain  campaign cheerleaders.  

  29. When your bias, everything you hear is filtered through that bias. Don't preach on what is blinding when everyone has bias.

    The REAL question is what bias is the best bias. Hope in change is no international or economical strategy. But it obviously tickles your ear.

  30. No, most of the libs will try to play it off that way

    You guys all seem to speak with the same mouth, but who holds the reins on your brains?

  31. 100% fake -here is the real Sarah!!!

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