
Am I the only one who uses self-tanners?

by Guest61607  |  earlier

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If not, then what do you use for your face? Every time I use something, it makes me break out or my skin becomes horrible. Something I could buy from the local store, and not expensive? I also used Jergens, but that took like a week, and it didnt do it for me, anything thats instantaneous or that works really fast.




  1. i use the same :) it doesn't tan as fast though, and be carefull on your neck cause it goes a little orange!

    sometimes i get bored of waiting for the self tanner to kick in, so i use a tinted mousturizer.

    skin wisdom body shimmer lotion is good! it has a holiday glow to your skin, and i use it all over my body and face. it's like, a glitter in a tan :) very nice. and it has green tea in it which is an anti oxidant, grape which is soothing, white tea which protects your skin and pomegranate which will anti age your skin.

    on top of it all smells GREAT!

    it's from tesco :)

  2. There is a tanner by banana boat that has 2 compartments. One is tanner and the other is a moisturizer. It works in like 3 hours. You can adjust how dark you want your tan to be from nothing (just moisturizer) to the darkest (just tanner). It looks very natural and I have gotten many compliments on it. They have a lotion specifically for the face, but I use the body one on my face because I have fairly clear skin. It smells pretty good and dries quickly. I won't use any tanner but that one anymore.

    I bought it at walgreens for like $12. Make sure to test that both nozzles work before leaving the parking lot though. You'll understand this better once you see the bottle.

    This is the face one -

    This is the body one -

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