
Am I the only one who works with people who are lazy, but who spend a lot time saying how busy they are?

by  |  earlier

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When I get to work, I dive right in and get everything done, and then I go home on time. I am friendly with my coworkers, and say hello when I see them in the hallway; however, I don't bother gossipping or creating drama or just talking for the sake of talking. I prefer to stay focused, so I don't have to work late.

On the other hand, most of my coworkers spend all day griping about how overworked they are, and how they will have to work this weekend, and how terrible things are. The thing is, they never START working during regular hours. They just "blah blah blah" all day.

Does anyone else encounter this at work?




  1. You bet! I worked in a small department and one program under the department had two people. Actually all they did all day long was surf the internet, listen to music, play games, etc. The manager of that department was finally given some heavy responsibilities to go along with her ridiculously high paycheck-I heard her do nothing but complain for weeks on end. She seriously COULD NOT do it. She was stressed out, rude and incompetent. Yet, she still has her job. Interesting.

  2. That sounds exactly like my work. I don't complain. If I had time to complain about how busy I am then I wouldn't be busy. Busy people have no time to complain until they are home. I like being busy. I don't like being stressed and dealing with stupid heads. (people that can't articulate a simple request even) I laugh at this one dept because they always say how busy they are. I just see how often they get up to get coffee. When I'm busy, I have no time to even think about coffee. They don't work late. They take lunch and breaks with other employees during the day. Again when I'm busy lunch goes out. I don't take breaks beyond lunch. (right now - no work that I can do - weird place)

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