
Am I the only person in Canada getting sick of Girlicious?!?

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Everytime I turn on my TV to watch MuchMusic, all I see are those skin showing girls!!!!!!!!!! I admit their songs are pretty catchy and they're pretty but come on! JUST BECAUSE THE US DOESN'T LIKE YOU DOESN'T MEAN WE DO TOO, WE'RE JUST NICER. Ugghhhhhhh =[ Sorry If I offended anyone but I just HAD to bring that out!




  1. If I were to see ant of those girls on the street I would assume they are either strippers or hookers. What amazing role models society picks for our children. I am sooooooo glad I have all boys! Not to mention their music sucks and makes my ears want to bleed....

  2. I agree, I can't belive they keep showing that c**p...WHO CARES !..they suck..

  3. The 'too' was right.

    Does anybody else in the world thing that the name 'girlicious' is the worst play on words ever. What a terribly, tacky band name.

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