
Am I the only person who doesn't care about the hockey night in canada theme song?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, it's just hockey. Well not even, its a show about hockey. First of all it having to do with a sport makes it meaningless, having to do with a tv show about a sport is even more rediculous. Why is this such a big deal? I can see hockey being a big deal to some people, and I guess I can almost see the show somewhat of a big deal to some people. But what difference does the song make? You still have a guy in an ugly *** suit talking about hockey in the exact same manner as before. On its own that song isn't very entertaining to listen to to begin with. Why does everyone love it so much?




  1. First lets start off with "it's just hockey" must i need so say more? Get off of here and go get a life. Stop wasting our time


    the song is an icon, and if you don't care, do us a favor and leave

  3. If you don't care why bring the subject up? You also don't seem to care about the game what brings you here other than to prove you are nothing but an ***??

  4. I'll miss the song, but I can understand CBC's point of view. The b|tch composer demanded more money and CBC told her to stick it up her @ss. It's a shame, but if she wasn't such a greedy w***e we'd still have our theme.


  5. I'm totally with you. I'm pretty sure she could sell it to a dentist to play during root canals.

  6. Because the hockey night in Canada song is a part of our history. If the CBC can't sort out this lawsuit they're getting rid of a part of what being Canadian is. It's not just a stupid theme song for "a show about hockey" it's a part of us.

  7. Take that back you self centered pig!

  8. yes

  9. Actually, every Canadian knows what that song means.  It's a Pavlovian instinct to immediately go get a beer, sit on the chesterfield, and watch the game.  Is it worth the monies being asked?  As much as I'd like to say yes, I can't really do that.  

    Now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to explain to my old man that the game really is getting ready to start, since he knows every note of it, and my old man (in his 90's) isn't one for using the Internet.  

    I've heard it played at a litany of weddings (in one case, the bride came down the aisle to it), funerals, and the like.  

    The composer (the real jacka$$ if you ask me) tried to take CBC to town, and the government rightly said "bugger off".  It just stinks that we're going to p**s away decades of tradition, but come Saturday at 7pm, there'll still be hockey, and that's a h**l of a lot more important than the theme song.

    For our American friends...just substitute the Monday Night Football song and you'll get the point.

  10. A Private Members bill passed the house of commons on Friday which basically prevents the CBC from re-visiting the song.

    So, it's gone, it's done with, it's over.

    Some young Canadian composer will come up with a much better ditty over the next few months and in 2-3 years, nobody will care about Dolores Claman's song anymore.

    The funny thing about all the polls TSN and Sportsnet did...........people under 25 overwhelmingly supported the song (generally they pay fewer taxes) and people 26 and over overwhelmingly were against CBC retaining the song (the people who care where their taxpayers are going).

    If I paid taxes in Canada, I'd be saying.......................seeya!

  11. I don't care about the song. I don't even know the words...I guess because I don't live in Canada...yet. Hockey IS a big deal though. Hockey is a VERY BIG DEAL.

  12. obviously your not canadian, just another american

  13. it's a show about hockey? hahhahahaaaa. what a joke.

    that song is like a tradition.. and who wants to break a tradition everybody enjoys? NOBODY.

    now, go a long - we all must shun you.

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