
Am I the only person who sees as callous?

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... and hypocritical all the comments about Sarah Palin's daughter? I'm deeply disappointed in the so-called "enlightened" liberals who find some "humor" in the fact that a seventeen year old girl is pregnant.




  1. ur not the only one it is callous

  2. F A M I L Y     V A L U E S ! !

    A code word for 'morality,' no?  :-)

  3. I would agree with it being callous, intrusive, judgmental, and unsympathetic.   There are horrible remarks on here from Christians, as well as the non-Christians, not only on this subject but on all kinds of topics...It's rather sad, all the bad behavior...we need to be lifting people up and helping them, not tearing them down!

  4. It's just a bunch of liberal atheists who want to attack anyone who has Jesus Christ in their lives.

    They are still humans bound to make human mistakes. God bless her family for handling it the right way.  

  5. People will make fun of their opposition every chance they get.  Wonder what they would do if it was their own daughters?  I will leave it right there instead of following the temptation to answer it with a sarcastic answer.  I won't stoop to their level on this.

  6. Why isn't this in the politics section?

  7. More Propaganda!  I am so sick of the liars on Yahoo answers.  They can't make their point so they tell lies and except sensible people to believe that lies.

    She is a human being and is marrying the babies father.  We are all sinner - thankfully Christians were saved by the grace of God.  That doesn't mean we don't still sin.

    what does the daughter's life have to do with the mother being the VP?  bunch of idiots on here!

  8. No, you are not the only one.

    I am not really a Republican or a Democrat as I can vote either way depending on the issue or the election, but this election I am voting Obama. I find those making fun of Palin's family situation and calling her out on this issue quite repugnant. There is no humor in this situation. A teenage girl got pregnant, as many others have and will continue to do so. I seriously doubt this is due to any fault of Sarah Palin or her parenting abilities. It's also none of anyone's business. There are plenty of issues to attack her on, this isn't one of them.  

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