
Am I the only person who thinks this election is a joke?

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Obama may be intelligent, he may speak intelligently...

BUT, is he READY to lead a NATION??

I'm seriously beginning to think more Dems want him in office simply because he is a man of color and shook up this election. AND IM NOT RACIST WHATSOEVER. I'm just saying...the dems don't have any intelligent arguments/things to say about McCain/Palin. All they can come up with is personal matters that, HELLO, dont affect either one of their qualifications. QUALIFICATIONS is the key word.

What has Obama done for the nation besides be a lowly junior Senator for 4 years?

Palin runs a state, and does a d**n good job. over 80% favored.




  1. Bush was a joke that lasted 8 years !  He came in with experience and it didn' t help him one bit during the years he ruled America.  

  2. Agreed!

    The Rep VP candidate has more executive experience than the Dem presidential and he's mostly an empty suit that speaks well. All the liberal media talks about is a non-issue of a teen pregnancy like it's Palin's fault.

  3. Obama is not inteligent

    He is a liar, a puppet, a murderer, an abortionist,a muslim, and a man ready to hand over this country to be destroyed

    He is an ex drug user

    He has no experience.

  4. hahahaha........Your question is a 'Joke'

    Your ramblings about, "Palin runs a state, and does a d**n good job. over 80% favored"...80% of WHO, Eskimos?

    Alaska may be a BIG State....but...helloooooooooo, the Population is smaller than the City of Chicago ..SMALLER    than the District Obama ran!...hahahaha.........

    She is nothing but a 'shill'' to CAPTURE  the 'undecided' Hillary Voters..........GET A GRIP..DO YOU SERIOUSLY WANT 4 MORE YEARS OF BUSH (mc cain)


  5. The Democrats want him in office now that he is their candidate to assume their agenda over all government, including eventually picking liberal judges for the Supreme Court.  

    Obama has done nothing to earn the position of being our President.  It is obsurd how he believes his mission in life is to be elected Pres. of the US; it is as though he is pushing his own will to make it happen.  He appears to ignore the principle from the Bible that he claims to believe in:  Not thine own will but the will of God to be your guidance in life.

  6. You're not the only one.  The last one was a joke too.

  7. Dempublicans and Republicrats will never bring the true change that our nation needs.

    We need to dig up that old document that made our nation so great in the first place and READ IT!

    How about follow it too?It wasn't written all that long ago, it certainly doesn't need interpretation.

    Most of the so-called "interpretations" I've heard are just morbid twisting of the words. Such as "In order to guarantee fairness for all, we have to treat people differently". Come again???!!!

  8. And I had the audacity to think this was going to be a serious question.

    I guess the JOKE is on me!

  9. To be a joke it would have to be funny.  Instead it is just sad.

  10. You don't think this election is a joke.

    You support McCain/Palin.  That's it.  McCain's TV ads to nothing BUT attack.

    McCain has been shown to be Bush 95% of the time.  That is the LAST thing this country needs.  

    If you are really interested in Obama's plans, then why not look at his website.  Make up your own mind.

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