
Am I the only teenage girl who isn't all over the Jonas Brothers?

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Okay,I admit, I do like them a bit. But I do not have huge crushes on them.I don't obsess over them,nor do I have posters of them plastered all over my bedroom wall.

Am I the only teen girl who isn't obsessed over them? I think they have something going for them,but I think they are a bit....overrated. I don't think there's really anything THAT special about them.Please fangirls dont burn meeee! >_<




  1. yea i deff am not a fan of them either!! i dont get why so many girls are so obsessed over them..i dont find them cute at all, and i really dont find their music all that good either

  2. no your not the only one,a lot of my friends dont like them either..

    its okay,everybody has their own opinion :D

    but i &lt;33333333 them

  3. no there are plenty of people who say they dispise the jonas bros who are teenagers...and girls...but in reality the are just half the fans of miley wirus (kill me for typing in tht name)

  4. im not all over the jonas brothers

  5. Nope. I deff. don&#039;t love them but I deff. don&#039;t hate them.

  6. You&#039;re really not the only one. I think they&#039;re a good band and I like them, but all this Jonas/Anti-Jonas stuff going on makes me hate Y!A. I think the Antis are more annoying that the hardcore fans, though. LIke, who spends every waking minute thinking of ways to dis people who don&#039;t even know them?

  7. no, your not the only one. but i can see your point. you dont have to like em. everybody is entitled to their own opinion. and thanks for not being an anti-jonas er i hardcore fan. i really like that :P i mean, why obsess over people that you have no chance in dating or even becoming friends with?

  8. im no anti or a mega fan i just think there ok and for the antis they really like them!!!!!!!!!!!why do they care sooooo much to ake the jb fans look bad!!!!!!!!its just stupid just leave them alone your nit gonna get anything out of it if you keep saying stuff about them !!!!!!!!!!

    im a criss angel fan for eva!!!!!!!!

  9. No, you&#039;re not. I think they are and amazing band, but obsessing over what are their favorite things and finding out every little thing about them is going too far. This Anti and Pro Jonas crud is stupid. I haven&#039;t been to the celebrity section in months! just because of it. If I say something its always wrong and I get slammed for it. What is wrong with giving my opinion and NOT be judged about it. Y!A is here to help people, not put them down.

  10. im a 14 y/o girl and i dont like them.

    i prefer to rock out to nirvana, iron maiden, the foo fighters, mcr, the used, ect.  

  11. You are not the only one cause I love the JB but I am not super obsessed and all the Anti&#039;s think we are very obsessed and stuff and we arent!

  12. You and the team of (ANTI-JONAS)  

  13. I have to admit they have some reall good songs that I have replayed to much! But Im not obssed over them. They all sing very well and seem to be very nice! =] Good luck I hope I helped!

  14. you hate the jonas brothers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

    you shouldn&#039;t belong in this world!!!!!!!

  15. no ur not the only one. there&#039;s plenty. i&#039;m just not one of them. lol. i&#039;m not obsessed and i&#039;m not one of the ditzy pre-teen girls that asks &quot;oMg WhAtS nIcKs cElL pHoNe #???&quot; or &quot;wHaTs ThE jO bRoS AdReSs??&quot; or just a hormone crazed fan girl who just likes them for their looks [and hates kevin] trust me, those people get on my nerves SO BAD!!! i am a huge fan and i can see where the anti are coming from on some points but i don&#039;t usually agree with most things they say.. but yeah ur not the only one.  

  16. Oh please. The only girls that are all over the Jonas Brothers are 12 and below. (The Lames)

  17. im totally with u!! im not anti-jonas and there&#039;s like 1 of their songs that i like. but like, i honestly dont think any of them are good looking. and as far as singing goes, they&#039;re average. i mean, they&#039;re like miley cyrus or zac efron. they&#039;re voices aren&#039;t special but they just got in bcuz the show buz is crazy 4 anyone who can at least sing without making ppl cry! but yea, everyone has they&#039;re own opinion so im not just gonna say &quot;THEY STINK! U HAVE TO BE A LOSER TO LIKE THEM&quot; and hurt other ppl&#039;s feelings. (and plus thats not what i really think!!)  

  18. You&#039;re not. I hate them. Their fans are annoying and their music is bad.

  19. nope. i don&#039;t care for them at all. they seem to be nice guys but i just don&#039;t like their music. i have plenty of friends who like them though and its fine with me. their music just doesn&#039;t do much for me. Joe Jonas is cute though lol :)

    i&#039;m 15 and my obsession is baseball - I have picture of the Phillies all over my room and locker. my entire life revolves around the phillies xD  

  20. I&#039;m not all over the Jonas Brothers. They dont really have anything special about them.  

  21. Nope, I&#039;m with you I like a few of their songs but I don&#039;t love or hate them.

  22. I also have to admit I do like some of there songs &gt;.&lt; But I dont find them attractive... Give me thumbs down I don&#039;t care but I just arnt that interested...

  23. no, Your not the only one. I think their cute but I&#039;m not obsessed with them and I don&#039;t have posters of them on my walls either. The only thing I have that has something to do with them is their CD and I would go to their concert and meet them but I wouldn&#039;t be screeming the whole time

  24. No, I&#039;m the same way! Gosh, I thought I was the only one

    everyone either hates them with a passion or loves them with a passion

    I am neither!

    Yeah they are overrated, I mean I have no problem with them, but seriously? Those girls that cry at the sight of them is just sad to me

    that kind of obsession isn&#039;t healthy

  25. I hate it when people ask these questions, SOO many people hate them, ok?! Get over yourself, you&#039;re not the only one!!

    Infact, even though alot of 13 year olds like the JBs, 6 people in my ENTIRE year love the JBs, including me! I go to an all girls school as well and there are 100 people in my year.

    The JBS are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Who are the Jonas Brothers? Why does everybody talk about them so much?

  27. I agree!

    I love them and all

    But its not like their my life.

    I don&#039;t fantasize about them in my dreams, or have 50 posters of them in my room, or think I&#039;m gonna marry one of them.

    They have good music

    And are great guys

    --Everyone is entitled to their own opinions!--

  28. I am 14 and I think they are stupid lol

    you aren&#039;t alone I know a lot of people who don&#039;t really like them

    I have no idea wht everyone sees in them though I mean they wear funny looking clothes

    but thats just my opinion


  29. Probably :P

    Ps:I&#039;m a fan girl but everybody is entitled to their own opinion :P

  30. No one cares

  31. No, i don&#039;t like them much either. I admit i like one of there songs, but I don&#039;t like it that much that i would obsess over them.

    I&#039;m not anti - Jonas because I don&#039;t know then personally and its not fair to bash them if I don&#039;t know them.

    But I&#039;m definitely not pro - Jonas either

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