
Am I the only woman on the planet that doesn't get along with other women?

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I just don't get what it is they talk about on the phone, or why they need handbags... Am I the only one?




  1. No, I'm the same way.  Most my age (25) seem so obsessed with domesticity and having kids.  Blech!  I loathe having to lunch with my female coworkers because of it.

  2. LOL! No, your not.

  3. no not at all... i hate talking on the phone...but i like to text....

    i never carried a handbag until this year and ive carried it for about a month now...but its fox racing and not even that girly...

    but i cant get along with girls...yahh i have a handful of girls that are my friends but most of them are guys or tomboyish girls!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I used to feel that way. Then I met women who were more like me. Its good to have female friends. Even if it is fun to be "one of the guys". Just don't be unopen to  all females or you may miss out on a really good friend.

  5. no you are not the only one.  i was thinkin i was but its cool to know there are ladies like us

  6. hand bags and gossip are for insecure people........ you must not be insecure.

  7. Nope.  My wife and about 50% of my other best female friends are the same way.  My wife used to wonder about this too, but she's always accepted herself an her defiance of social conventions very well.  Perhaps your aversion is against stereotypes and archteypal personalities?  how well do you get along with "typical guys"?

  8. no i have way more guy friends then girls ,,,, girls are so caddy and backstabbers

  9. No your not the only one what about the girls wishing they were guys or such they dont like that stuff either but the do all of them still have a girl in them just not every girl has to be alike be your own person

  10. no I hate girls.... and I'm sure they hate me.

  11. ???

    No, there are other women who don't "get along with" other women. This is a warning sign, and you might consider asking WHY you dislike half the population of the planet.

    Uh, given what you go on to say, I wonder whether you've ever actually known any adult females. What you say is the result of stereotypes, rather than reality.

    I, for instance, HATE talking on the phone, and avoid it whenever possible.

    But most people do use phones; why you think no men every talk on the phone is beyond me.

    I carry a huge bag around for a lot of things. I bring groceries home in it; I have things like bus passes in it; I like to always carry reading material with me; kleenex, chapstick, pen, money and ATM card, ibuprofin, tampons and pads, bus and other public transportation schedules -- stuff I often use as I go about my life.

    Since "girl clothes" (such as skirts -- thing I wear when I work) tend not to have pockets, I need my bag for keys and smokes and such, too.

    What's so hard to understand about people needing to carry stuff with them? Doesn't everyone need stuff?

    Or do  you never use money, lock your door, sneeze, read, use public transportation or cars, get periods, etc.?

  12. I don't get along with women either..... or men, or children.

    I'm so lonely.

  13. i dont under stand your not alone

  14. Definitely NOT alone on that one!

    I don't carry a in a pocket and comb in another.

    I don't know what or why the prattle...and, whenever I'm at a party, you'll see me talking with the guys about sports!!!!!

  15. That's not a bad thing.  If you have guyz who are friends who you can relate to that's allright.

  16. I don't usually get along with fellow females too... I don't have that many's too complicated. You're not alone...

  17. My wife is one of those women that simply has little in common with other women.  However, she enjoys competing with men... "they don't cry when I beat them, but they don't laugh either."  However, she is a green eyed Irish & Ashkenazi Jew with an IQ that makes it difficult for most women to understand  her.   Her main weakness is her love of children & other animals. I have to fight her propensity to name my cattle & even some of the coyotes running wild on our property. "If I name it, it is family!"

  18. No there are lots like you and me. Not all women are alike. I hate drama, gossip, and talking on the phone a lot. And most women really annoy me.

  19. no, you are not the only one... I think it is because they are going through their post-adolescent idealistic phase! Have fun! :~)

  20. Awesome! I have met too many women like you. This is a phenomenon of sorts. My best friend in high school became a tom boy for that same reason. My girlfriend does not even trust women. I always hear women say they can't stand 'girlfriends'. I guess you are not the only one. Maybe women tend to be more status quo oriented, which is inhibitive when you feel a need to step away from the enshackling norm. Just a theory.


  21. Wow and I though I was the only one. My entire adult life I have always gotten along better with men. Women just want to shop, which I hate doing, or they want to gossip. Hello I dont care what people are doing and I dont care what they think about me. It really bugs when another woman finds out you work out and ask if they can be your workout partner. What a nightmare working out would be if I had to listen to some other woman babble on and on.

    Glad to know there are real people out there!

  22. Nope....I seem to get along better with males too.

    However, that doesn't make it EASIER to get along with the females.....they find it threatening.

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