
Am I thinking of my girlfriend too much ?

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I think i'm getting a little obsessive. Literally every waking moment of my day is filled with thoughts of my girlfriend. We have been together 2 months and its been great so far. We have had a little differences but they are so small that most of the time we don't even notice but she tells me I over-analyze things and think too much. I actually agree to a degree but am I really? Is it bad for a relationship to constantly think of your partner 24/7? And if so, how do I free my mind to other thoughts until more appropriate times ?




  1. I think your girlfriend will break up with you soon. Thinking alot, and giving too much attention to your girl friend is not good. I think the reason you think about her too much is because you are insecure. You are afraid that she might break up with you at one point in time, which will definitely happen. But, don't think about it that way, just live your day.  

  2. Keep yourself occupied, keep busy.  Constantly obsessing over her is unhealthy and will hurt your relationship down the line.

  3. All I can say is that we girls like it when we're on your mind, but just DON'T LET IT TURN INTO NEEDINESS. It's fine to think about your girlfriend a lot esp. if things are going great between you two, but don't let it affect either your or her waking life. For example, let it affect your ability to function during the day haha, and don't call her every 30 mins either. Just find that balance; if not, I can almost guarantee that it'll bite you later on down the road.

  4. It's natural to think about your girlfriend a lot.  Especially because it's new and exciting.  Just keep in mind that this could lead to her feeling smothered.  If she is already telling you that you're analyzing things too much I'm betting she's already feeling this way.  If it continues she might start to pull back because she's annoyed.  You should try having a hobby.  Do you like to do anything?  Workout or do something physical just for yourself.  It'll build your confidence and also give you some alone time to cater to yourself.

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