
Am I thinking wrong?

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I am a American, I love my country. I read about this new conflict with Russia. I keep thinking that Russia is right. Everything that the USA is doing is wrong. I don't want another war, this one could get to be WW3? My question is do you think Russia is right or do you think USA is right? Why do we have to send battleships to deliver aid?




  1. We support them because if the Russians gain control they could flip a switch and turn off the power to most of Europe. Its all about energy.

    If you want America to stay out of others problems and fix our own, vote for CHANGE.

    Obama= Higher taxes + more of the same

    Mccain= More wars + more of the same

    Ron Paul= American Dream as it should be..

  2. vote for obama.

  3. I was going to say an awful lot, but I gave up.  So just to say I don't think either Country is right, I'm tired of the seemingly power mad hunger Governments (and our own bumbling Government who can't even control whats happening on their own doorstep), who care about nothing and no-one standing in the way, whether it's to take over a Country or to jump into fighting anothers fight.  i'm tired of seeing innocent children, men, women, grandparents etc slaughtered.  No sane person wants a war, but while there is evil. like Putin, Bin-Laden etc, tyranny will never end.

    Yes Sam I do know only too well Bush is never happy unless he throws people into a war, but I did mention at the beginning that I was going to say a lot but decided not to and he's one of the reasons why...oh and I did put etc too :o) x

  4. Are you referring to the Georgian situation?  The Russians invaded Georgian territory under the guise of peacekeeping because they claimed 20,000 Ossetians had been killed.  All objective evidence indicates this was a fabrication which the Russians helped support by burning down villages and covering up the truth.  Doesn't sound like Russia was/is 'right' to me.  Iran and North Korea are much much much bigger threats to start another world war than Russia.  Russia has much too much to lose and is not interested in mutual annihilation.

  5. If you are thinking wrong, then we are two because I couldn't agree more with your statement/answer.

    I think that US interference in Georgia is as wrong as the US government's manipulation of the media, expecting us to believe that they are doing the right thing. I find that insulting.

    few hours ago I answered a question regarding the South Ossentian conflict:;...


    I think that sending the Red Cross would've made more sense though.

    Seabreeze: It is true what you wrote, however, regarding  your opinion about the names you mentioned, have you also considered that people living in countries invaded by the US may see Bush just as evel?


    Seabreeze: yes you said it, my apologies to you ☺
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