
Am I this bad at buying an S cable.......

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I want to connect my tv to my laptop cause my tv is a gigantasauraus compared to my laptop so I went to best buy and bought the S cable as well as the audio cable that they instructed me to buy.....I know where these all plug in (I am very computer challenged but come on only so many cables can go in certain spots especially the S cable......sound great, but no picture!!.....and when I look at the S cable it looks like the laptop one has more receptors like this

( : : : ) and the tv is like this ( : :)

Something like that = no picture for a very cranky Amber. What gives they were explicit that an S is an S is an S!!!!




  1. you're fine don't worry, all you have to do when you hook up the S-video from your laptop to your TV is after windows boot up, press the combination keys to make your laptop transfer the iamge to the tv, usually it's like function and f4 or f5 or something. look for the f keys that has lcd printed on it, or pictures that look like monitors. you might have to press it more than once. Some laptops will pop up a picture on the screen to tell you how the image is being shown on the computer screen and TV, some don't. so I think usually the first press of the combination will be to show the image on the laptop screen, then keep holding the fn button and press the f key again and it should be shown on the tv with nothing on the laptop screen, then hold the fn key, and press the f key again and it should be that the tv and the laptop will show the same thing. If you don't know, then the best is to hold the fn key, and to push the f key and relase only the f key, and if nothing happens, push the f key again, and keep doing that until you have an image on the tv. If you see the TV flicker when you push the keys, then there is a signal, so wait a sec for it to show. Good luck

  2. The most likely cause of your problem is that the S-video output on your laptop is not turned on. Look in your laptops manual (there is probably an electronic version on its hard drive) and find out how to enable the S-video output. (This is what "nghitdan" was talking about.)

    If that's not your problem, check to see if you have selected the correct video input on the TV.

    If all else fails, add the make & model of your laptop and TV to your question..  

  3. your cable should be fine, the extra pins on the laptop are for some special monitors, but it's still sending the normal s-video signal in the other pins.  

  4. If your tv has a thing to hook up to a laptop it proboly has a VGA hook up try that but dont take my word they look like this.

    make sure your tv has the hookup though

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