
Am I to fat to be loved?

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I want to understand.

im 14


280lbs (honestly)

i am not lazy i can move and run and i am not all about food. i can do anything anbody else can but i still fit in 24 jeans.

what the h**l? can sombody look past the apperence?




  1. You have a long life ahead of you.  Dont worry, just start a good exercise routine and before you know it you will blossom.  You may be big all your life, but you can still look good.  

    Dont worry about love.  It will come with time.  Worry more about social skills and school work.  The rest will come eventually.

  2. The only thing which can affect someone is how he looks at himself. If you are confident on your appearance and then I'm sure many girl will love you. But if you feel like you're fat and ugly or feel sorry for yourself then no one will like to be with you. How can you love a man  who doesn't love himself

  3. It's difficult.  Many men will not look past the fat - they find it unappealing.  Some will, it just may not seem that way now.

    Remember, the fact you're healthy now does not mean you will be so as an adult.  The extra weight will be hard on you leg and hip joints even if you do maintain a healthy level of exercise.

    Have you been screened for thyroid or other endocrine disorders?  If you exercise and don't eat a lot, then there must be some other reason for your weight, particularly since you're so young.


  4. Society today , it's like love doesn't exsist at all . Someone who says that personality is everything , is wrong . We are all judges on people , and the most harsh critic is ourself . I mean , I don't get how you could weigh that much honestly , how could you get to that . :/ Mm , I'm sure you have a beautiful personality hunny , and there are few people who look beyond image , afterall if image is all you have then when your old and ugly , you'll have nothing at all . .

    Looks arent everything , although society bases it on that .

    Everyones forgetting the true meaning of love , and what its like to be love , by getting caught up in p**n & c**p .

    And setting images for girls , if they arent a size 1 there "too fat"

    Which is absurd . . - - ;  

    Everyones trying so hard to be perfect , but nothing in life is , being perfect is being imperfect .

    Best of luck , and love will find you  . =)  

  5. i can, i sorta no how u feel I'm 14 5'6 167 pounds i was 200 2 months ago, alot of ppl dont get it the personality that matters . But i recommend u lose weight for health issues , ur BMI (body mass index) is 48.1

    Underweight = <18.5

    Normal weight = 18.5-24.9

    Overweight = 25-29.9

    Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

    exercise everyday and eat a healthy diet and drink lots of water

    try to do push ups and crunches b4 u sleep, if u cant do a push up lay flat on ur knees sorta cross them with ur legs up and go down from there, its still a great exercise, ( knee push ups i think)

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