
Am I to over weight for Martial Arts self-defense classes?

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I have always wonted to travel around the world and I was told that a Martial Arts self-defense class is something I should look into for my safety.

And I am 28, 6'0" & 280 lb

(about 125 lb. over my ideal height & weight)

Would that be a problem?




  1. No not at all, any time is a good time to start, I started at 49 years old and 6' 235 now 52 and 202 feel better than when I was 42.

    We have a guy at our school who's 5'11 and 280 and he just won a sparring tourney at over 25 heavy weight div. the other guy thought he would be too slow or too out of shape but he beat all 3 guys he fought and out weighed them by 75 lbs at least.  

  2. Naw man, id say your good to go. I'm 16, and down to 235 from 280. I'm hoping to get into some stuff soon.

    Best of luck to you bro!

  3. If you are just looking for personal safety for your trip, look into a "Self-Defense" course.

    Martial arts are an excellent way to lose weight.

    The first month or two will be real KILLERS so you will need the determination to stick with it. You will be sore and tired.

    It's amazing what happens once you get over the hump!

    I kept losing weight until I got to my "fighting trim" of 173 lbs.

    Then I found myself eating a lot more than I did before I started martial arts without gaining weight. After I had burned off all of the stored calories that I had in excess fat I still needed the calories, so they came from more food. I also had a lot more energy and often walked 50 city blocks to work.

    We started class by running for 15 minutes. I was wiped out before the class even started for about a month. With time comes endurance!

  4. You're not.  Martial Arts will help you burn calories.  Make sure its a program that can tailor to your needs and abilities but still challenge you.  I'd also consult a physician first, to makes sure everything is working right for heavy exercise.  

    Common sense will also help you completely avoid most dangerous situations while travelling.  

  5. No you are not over weight for martial arts.

    Gentle exercise and sensible diet combined with a martial art that isn't over exerting will work ,whichever you feel comfortable with after trying a few styles of your choice should help greatly.

    Best wishes and the very best of luck in your endeavour :)***

  6. some people use classes to balance there weight, its exercise, but dont take it from me ask an instructor

  7. Absolutely not. Some of the best real life fighters are people who you would never believe to be martial artists. Isshin Ryu Karate is a very "brutal", is a word I see used a lot, form of karate and the sensei at a school I know of is a short, balding, man of near 60. He has a gut and a heart surgery scar on his chest. Some younger men who are well versed in martial arts and in amazing athletic shape came in during open mat challenges and they lost. Not 1 or some, all of them. Against a short, fat, old guy with nearly no hair and post-heart surgery.

    If he can do it, you can.

  8. Probably not.  A lot of people take classes to lose weight.  So you will get the benefit of weight loss and learning self-defense.

    You should check with your doctor, though.  You need to know if everything is working right before you get into something that requires that level of activity.  Good luck.

  9. Martial arts will help you lose weight. No you're not too over weight.

  10. Big guys are never to over weight to defend them selves, actually its better.

  11. I don't think you are too big for it.  If you want to lose weight, martial arts training can help you.

    You may not be able to do all the exercises, or keep up with the rest of the classes your first few times, but you will improve.

    Good luck!


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