
Am I to small for being 14??????

by  |  earlier

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Im 14, weigh 87 pounds, and wear a size zero in pants.

I'm just naturally small, but is it too small??




  1. It is below average. Like you said maybe you are just naturally small. I am 17 and I am 5'6".

  2. Wow my girlfriend is 130 and the same height as you (though athletic) and she is pretty skinny, put some meat on your bones, its unhealthy at the moment eating disorder, or not.

  3. It depends on your height. Do you eat properly? Are you parents small also? This all play parts but if your fit and are eating properly then your probably fine.

  4. no

  5. Make sure you are eating right and getting all your vitamins.  You will probably gain weight as you get older.  Be happy with yourself.  Other people would like to have this problem.

  6. don't worry about it if it's your natural weight.

  7. I'm guessing you're a girl, since i was maybe around 115-120 at 14 (I'm a boy) But don't worry. As long as you eat properly, don't starve yourself, and follow a normal lifestyle, you should grow how your body sees fit.

  8. as long as your not MAKING yourself be that way. if its natural you shouldn't have anything to worry about.

  9. don't worry too much about if you think you're small. it really doesn't matter. unless it's a health issue, then, let's delve into the issue more. again, being small doesn't matter. big things come in small packages, right? there are many people who are small but made it big in show business. not only in show business but in fashion, etc. so, it's okay..enjoy life..hold your head up. stand tall and be proud. good luck!  

  10. I was about that weight at 14 and I'm  5'3".  It's small, but if you're eating normal and naturally small I wouldn't worry about it.

  11. I'm 15 and 94 pounds, your a good Size, I wish  was that skinny!

  12. you need to include your height.

  13. everyones differnt. you might be a little short but that doesnt mean theres anything wrong with you

  14. I do not know who u r?

    But I know that size does not matter.

    you can win everything if you try.

    surely you posses some quality that other will never have.

    so what you have to do?

    be confident and care about your fitness.

    good luck

  15. what does this have to do with small buisness

  16. nope, I'm 13, 97 lb, and 5'11'', and I'm a zero 2.  your size is fine and you'll grow in time

  17. need your height

    im 15. 4ft 10in and im a size 4 or 5 dependin on the jeans

    you'll grow man i used to be a size zero AUGHHH i miss it

  18. nahh

    that's how much i weighed at 14

    depends on how tall you are to.

    if your between 4'11"-5'3" your fine

    you will grow

    belive me

  19. No, because I am exactly the same.

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