
Am I too old for figure skating?

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I'm thirteen and never been in a pair of skates in my life (well except once in third grade). I really want to figure skate, but I think I'm too old. I'm probably the oldest person in my whole town that wants to figure skate. Should I go for it?

I'm also pretty scared that there will be no one there (the lessons) my age. Is there anyone you know who started late?




  1. I started when I was 11 and did just fine. Go try, you may be a natural. It is never too late, you may not make to the Olympics but that doesn't mean you can not compete in some pretty serious competitions.

    Go for it and have fun!

  2. Go for it!!!  You can start skating at any age.  I started at 12.  So did my stepdaughter.  I coach a couple that started at 43.  There are skaters out there of ALL ages.

    You may not be the oldest person in the area.  The rink may have an adult might find that there is a class of new skaters just like you!  Check out the group lessons offered by your local rinks.  Ask if they have a class for skaters your age.  With our group lesson classes, we recognize that older kids sure don't want to be skating with 6-year-olds, so we either put together a class just for them or move them up a level because being a little older, they catch on a little faster anyway and then they feel more comfortable with kids closer to their age.  Or if there isn't a class of skaters your age, ask if you can skate with the adult class.  That's what I did.  :)

    Go for it!  It'll be a ton of fun!

  3. No your not to old I am 13 2 and am still skating.  I just started to really skate last year so your defiantly not too old.

  4. I say GO FOR IT.  Johnny Weir was 12 when he started skating, and look where he is now!!!

  5. They say that for every person who asks a question, there are 100 who wanted to, but were too shy to do so. I bet there are many, MANY kids out there who think that they've missed an opportunity to learn to figure skate because they are too old. I have skating students as young as 3 or 4 in some learn-to-skate lessons, but I also have adults coming to me to pursue the sport that they for one reason or another missed out on as a younger person. They all have one thing in common: they all want to learn to skate, some because they just want to be able to function on ice with their friends, some because, after raising families, they now have time to follow their heart's desires. I say go for it, but some advice first.

    Keep in mind that many kids are put into skating classes at an early age, and that the class you sign up for may (MAY) consist largely of kids who are smaller or younger than you, so you may feel a little out of place at first. Remember, though, that little kids tend to be a tad slow in picking things up, while older kids/teens tend to fly through the basics simply because they have a greater ability to understand the instructions of the coach, so you would not likely be at this primary stage for very long. Within a season you could find yourself in a class or on a session at the local club with folks of a similar age bracket. Then you would be glad that you took a chance.

    I've known many former champions who did not automatically strap on skates the moment that they learned to walk. I think the main reason that they became champions was that they absolutely loved to skate, and that no one could deter them from the total fun of the sport. If you love it, and are willing to devote your time to it, who's to say what you can't do?

    Go for it, and happy skating.

  6. 13!!!!!!!! dude im 18 and I can do WHATEVER I want! Dont ever think that you are too old or too young to do anything you like and dont ever listen to people!!! As long as you are ABLE to do what you love, then you are never too old or too young to do it!! Follow your dreams and when you do, the phrase "too old" doesnt even exist!

  7. no not at all. if it is something you want to do then go for it! when i use to take group lessons i had people in my class who were 13/14 and no one every made fun of them. they could pick up on the things better actually. yeah i have a friend and she started when she was 14 but she loves it and is really good cause she practices and works at it.

  8. i first went skating for the first time ever last year when i was thirteen and i figure skate now i'm only a beginnar but i can already do two jumps so it is possible and no way are you to old just follow your heart and good luck!!

  9. I started around that age. Don't worry what other people think. You might try it and absolutely fall in love with the sport. You don't want to look back and wonder "what if?". People start at even later ages than that. There are many adults who take up skating to do something special for themselves.

  10. Go for it but it is a challenge but work towards it and maybe see you in the olympics

  11. Go for it! I'm 17 and I jsut started skating.

    Plenty of 12-14 year olds start skating.

  12. If you are really uncomfortable in lessons, you could ask a coach to give you weekly 15-minute private lessons, then practice a lot on your own.  

    But don't worry, even if they're a little younger than you - you'll advance faster and pick it up more quickly.  Don't let a little nervousness keep you from skating, it's worth it!

  13. Helloo! nooo! im 13=) and started in january=P im a begginer and in my class there are girls from 11 to 16 or 17 (little ones go to other class) definitley not too latee!!!=D do it its very fun i always look forward to go to my lessons=)

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