
Am I too old for this?

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Ok I'm 14 and I'm wondering if I'm too old to go trick or treating?

I just might go this year but I'm afraid I'm too old.

Am I too old for it?




  1. h**l no your never too old i will  be 17 when halloween comes around and i'm going to still go  

  2. It's free candy! You're not too old, just make sure you still dress up. Personally I'd be getting annoyed if people came up to my door trick or treating 14 with no costume. Otherwise they could be  a group of 40 year olds trick or treating and it wouldn't matter... Though that might add to the creepyness of halloween..

  3.    No... around my street kids all the way up to 17 trick-or-treat and thats weird but 14 is okay. Its fun just enjoy it well you still can. hope this helps =D

  4. not at all! haha. me and a group of friends always go around the neighborhood, not necessarily stopping at every house but enjoying the night!

  5. No I see teenagers go trick or treating all the time, or at least in my neighborhood.

  6. It may be awkward if you're alone, but no, you're not. Maybe you could go with a few friends? It will be a lot more fun that way anyway.

  7. i think my brother did at that age.  if you feel too old, then just don't dress up so much. i remember my brother going trick or treating at that age with his friends, and they just wore little things, like my brother wore a giant black afro wig. and they carried pillow cases instead of bags. plus, its free candy. you're never too old for that. admittedly, i don't go trick or treating anymore and im 13 but its for different reasons. i don't think its too old, but its your call.  :)  

  8. Nobody is never too old in his or her lifetime to do anything in this world. don't go inside a shell by just thinking what other will think follow your heart.

  9. No your not! I'm 17 and still going to be trick or treating this year!

  10. No, last year i was 15 and i went. Just take someone younger ( i take my lil' bro) and it won't look bad. lol  That's the trick for teenagers.

  11. it depends how big you are. the last time i went was when i was 12 and i was like 5'4" then and everyone kept saying aren't you a little too old to be trick or treating? lol i might go this year with my nephew and eat his candy lol he's only 3 months. maybe take a cousin or sibling so it would seem like yo are doing it for them and just split the candy

  12. Go with a group of friends, dress up as something funny, and have a great time! You're never too old to have a good time.

  13. Nahh your fine....I like this quote:

    "We'll scream out on the top of our lungs, and they'll say it's just cause we're young, and we'll feel so alive!"

    You're at the prime of your life. Enjoy it and have fun!!!!

  14. NO WAY!! go have some fun! i love trick or treating!! lol


  15. yea your to old to do that but if you do go don't dress up you should just go to a Halloween party

  16. I'm 13. If it still makes you happy, then go do it.

    My last year was in 4th grade. Thats just because it wasn't fun t me anymore, I just kinda grew out of it.

    Its just whatever pleases YOU.

  17. nope:].

    having your friends go with you is

    10x more fun.

    if you feel like your really old go to a party because theres

    always a party for halloween.

  18. Well hopefully your not really looking forwardto dressing up and costumes. But if your just playing around and want candy with your friends then yea thats fine. I think girls grow up to fast. U would do it.

  19. tbh , ive seen more teenagers then , lil one trick or treating .  my daughter stopped at 14 ish , my sone 18  was his last time . Even though i tol dhim he was too old , he went he is 21 . youll quit when you feel your ready to put it behind you .

  20. I remember when I was your age I didn't think I was too old to go treat or treating but I did lose interest in dressing up simply because I wanted to have a really, really good costume but I didn't have the money to buy one or make one. So I stopped going and when I turned 16 and got my license I think me and most other people who could drive would stop going because they could drive to go to Halloween parties or to the store to buy their own candy.

  21. im 14 too, and i plan on going trick or treating, but if there are smaller kids at the same house i am going to let them go and move to the next house.also, I am only going for a little while, and then me and my friends are just going back to the house to watch a movie and hnd out candy instead.

    Hope that helps! (candy candy candy!!!)

  22. I went every year until I was 18. I didn't really go to many houses though; for the most part I'd dress up and go to the park with a bunch of friends and sit and eat. A mini party, if you will.

  23. No way!

    Im 15 and I'll be going trick or treating with my friends this year.

    I can imagine myself trick or treating with my children

    don't worry what people think about you!

    Just have fun

  24. No ... have fun.  Alot of older generation would say yes because halloween used to be for the very little.  Now adults dress up and go to parties--which was not common years ago.  I ve seen lots of teens running about on halloween

  25. I think once you go into the 6th grade, then you are too old.  There are carnivals and stuff in my town that some of the older ones can go to.  You could hand out is neat to see all the costumes.  Also, if you know someone who has a young kid that you could take trick or treating, you can still go and not feel stupid.  Have fun.

  26. NOOO!!! i would say 18 is the oldest but I would go have yourself a great time and remember your not the oldest teen out there!! have a good time !!!  and don't be afraid your to old! OK!

  27. haha im 19 years old. me and my friends used to get dressed up go trick or treating.  we did it every year until i joined the army. we did it til we were 17. and actually they still go at 18, 19 and 20 years old haha.

  28. noooO!! my brother is goning to be 17 and he still goes.!!

    Im 13 and i still go. its alooooot of funn...!!! candddyyy..

    butt my lil bro ruins the fun and doesnt go. he is 2 years younger than me

  29. Well in my county you have to be 13 or under.  

  30. I'm going this year, and I'm almost 15.  You're never too old to be trick-or-treating. Get together with a bunch of friends and go, that's what I'm doing. It's sure to be tons of fun :)

  31. no not at all! i know that i go every year and get me some candy!
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