
Am I too old to be a pro guitarist...I'm 30?

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the guy from Toto. This us from and the whole interivew can be found there. Btw don't judge Luke on Toto-he's a great muisican

It’s a different world; it’s hard to be a musician, a working musician. There’s rock star spurts, where you can be a rock star for two or three years and then you lose all your money and lose everything; you’re twenty-two years old and what the **** are you going to do with yourself? You’re not good enough to be a sideman, you know. What are you going to do? Practice ‘til your thirty and then who is going to hire you?


Now, myself i see a lot of guitarist over 30 backing up solo singers (for example some of the bands nobodys heard of peforming on late night shows). I can understand if you are trying to me a Rock star and be all over MTV, but that statement kinda bothered me. I'm 30 and really coming into my own as a musician, am constantly learning, plus i take care of myself and look don't take the wind out of my




  1. I know the problem.  I'm 38 and feel like I'm beginning to become a good musician, and then I look around and it seems like everyone wants cats under 27 with certain looks, etc...

    But I do think you can be a pro at any age.  You need to find what you do well and find people who need that.  You'll begin to get work, hopefully.  It's good to be as versatile as possible.  

    People in the music industry stress looks, weight, age, etc... so much it's easy to get caught up in it all.  But age is more of a mental than physical place.  If you feel and act young, you'll be young until the day you die.

  2. Dude, forget Agirl. You can still join a band. maybe there are bands around your area the same age as you. There are alot of awesome guitarists over 30. like Slash,Keith Richards, B.B. King, & David Gilmour. Chin up Cowboy.

  3. I would work on your English skills instead.

  4. No one is ever too old to be a good musician. If there are any local bands in your city, that need a player, go try out. My dad was 49 when he joined a local band (The Necessary Band) and hes 50 now, he is a house band for Margarittavile in Myrtle Beach, he has played with the Long Bay Symphony (yes they played rock), and he has opened up a new rich city.

  5. If you have talent and work hard enough you can do or be anything that you want to be, and at any age. A year ago I read about a woman in her ninety's who graduated from go for it !!!!!!!!!!! I play and teach classical and acoustic, I wish that you would have put something on youtube so that we could hear your playing !!!!! Next time do that !!!! I'd like to hear you !!!!!!!! Don't listen to what other people say, life is too short, if you want it bad enough go for it !!!!!!!! I wish you luck !!!!!!!!!

  6. Of course not.

    Research "The Zimmers". Trust me. That'll boost your confidence.

  7. There no reason why you cant if your good enough.

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