
Am I too old to join a swimming club?

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ive been swimming for may years now, im 17 years old and thinking about joining the Jersey Swimming Club. But im not sure if it is too late for me, I have e-mailed them recently, just waiting for a reply. Do you think they would let me in, and at what level? any ideas? Thanks Matt




  1. I became a qualified lifeguard at age 47. Such a thing demands rigorous training, speed swims and timed swims, toing a casualty. I was scared I was too old for it but, six months down the line, after 6 months of monthly training and assessment I am still qualified and do it.

    You have loads and loads of good swimming years ahead of  you.

  2. No one's ever too old to do what they want, go for it

  3. Call you local pool cos even though ur 17 they might want u to join the masters but that usually is for over 25's but might as well give it a try

  4. I'm puzzled over why you would think it's "too late." For what? If you mean, "Is it too late to qualify for the Beijing Olympics?" I'd have to say, yes, it is too late. Is it too late to be a competitive Division I swimmer by your freshman year? Probably. It all depends on your goals and time frame. You won't get any closer to those goals by not starting.

  5. Your never too old to join a swimming club. A friend of mine is 22 and was recently joined Stafford Apex SC and is getting along fine. I you have kept yourself in good shape then there should be no problem getting in. As for what level if you have swum before then you should come in at quite a high level. If not then you should be able to work your way up through the ranks relatively quickly. Galas are great fun and a brilliant social event. More than anything though its best just to have fun.

    Hope this has helped. Ben

  6. You may join a swim club at ANY age- there are masters swimmers competing in their 90's!!

    Check out the USA swimming web site and go to Masters to find a club near you.

    Good Luck and Keep Swimming.

  7. If it's like most swim clubs they'll definetly let you in, and you'll start at whatever expierence you tell them you have.

    No, it is never too late to start swimming. Just recently at 42 year old man joined my USA swim team. He does meets and everything and is kinda cool. Even goes to 6am practices.

    As long as you show some dedication you'll be fine

  8. no you are not too old to join !!! Hope you have fun doing this!! I love swimming!!

  9. Don't wait for an email from them...just go down there and get into the water !!!

  10. No one is ever too old to join a swimming club. It's great for you (great excersize and fun too!)

    If you have been swimming for years, I'm sure you'll get into the club because you are older, stronger and more experienced so you'll probably get into one of the higher ranks.

    Good luck!

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