
Am I too old to want to start mma type fighting?

by  |  earlier

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I'm about to turn 16 and I've always been interested in MMA and other fighting sports, and after watching Gina Carano i realized how powerful women can be in that sport. I just want to know if starting at 16 is too late..Is it one of those sports you have to start when you're really young to be succesful?




  1. I don't think that you are to old one bit , as I'm 26 and have just started to ride motocross . I think that sometimes it might just mean a little bit more hard work to get where you want as you don't have as much time as others may have had , but at just 16 you still have allot of time ahead of you so I say go for it .

  2. definitely not too old.

  3. In ancient China, a man wasn't considered to be in his prime until he was probably 50 and they had guys who fathered children in their 90s. With respect, you should be asking if you're too young. :) Helio Gracie is 90 something, I think, and he's no slouch. I'm 6'2, 36 and I know a 5ft tall, 20-something year old female that I'd hate to tangle with. Wing Chun was a woman's name and was developed by a female. MMA, the training is grueling depending on what kind of nut you get for a trainer. I would suggest you look into a classical grappling style like judo or jujitsu that starts out with a more orthodox regimen, maybe even amateur boxing or Muay Thai. Then work your way into the hardcore stuff when you’re ready.

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