
Am I too picky? (24 US)?

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I always find flaws in guys. Im a 24 year old single mom, hes 5. Im very independent, my own house, car, land, and a good job. So why is it that Ive been single all this time. Is there soemthing wrong with me? I have pushed guys away in the past. I dont like the ones that like me, and the ones that I like dont like me. I see ugly people that have mates lol (not trying to be mean). What is it that I need to do? I want the best but not perfection. Is is true that when that right one comes along you know it? Or do most people just settle for what they can get? Or is it that guys find me intimidating? Im attractive, natural blonde with a nice booty. Can anyone help me out? lol




  1. probably think you have an std

  2. ok don't be mad but i think u're a show off. maybe that cud be a big turn off for guys that u like. like above, u're all i'm this and that and tis and tat but many guys (even gals) don't like it. maybe the next time u meet some guy, don't go around rambling with wat u have and don't. yes u shud be proud of urself that despite at a such a young age u have everything but in many cases men will find that as a big turn off.  

  3. id say itimidated, picky, and probably have to high of standards how about instaed of waiting for a guy to come for u , u go for the guy.

  4. To be simple without getting much into this...  I think men ARE intimidated.  You might be putting yourself forward as being too independent.  So guys see you as self-sufficient and don't really want them in your life.  Now obviously you feel the opposite but they might see something different.  Good luck and give some of these other answers to come some thought.  Though, I think you answered your own question in your 2nd sentence.

  5. Guys are intimidated by women who are successful. Don't stress it, the right one will come along, you just need to relax, stop trying to hard and be yourself.

  6. no you are not being too picky: its good to have class and want the good in life, and yes when the rite one does come along, you will know it because there is someone out there for everyone.

  7. find a guy with no flaws... then being picky will pay off

    ...yes I'm taken, sorry.. move on

  8. i 'm a boy.and i feel u should go for the man who truly cares and loves u.the man u see and smile.the man who's always there to help u out.he should be good and u must be good and yes don't go for the looks,,try to find a good soul

    best of luck,,get a nice one

  9. go introduce yourself, get yourself out there. guys are everywhere you go!

  10. Lol you just answered your own question throughout that text. You outlined your entire outlook on things, which is absurd, but your mindset obviously. Try to help yourself first, or you'll never progress with any love life with that attitude, seriously.

    Also; not to display furthur ignorance, but your way of thinkin doesn't sound like a 24 yr old. You seem kinda immature in a way.

  11. The fact that you're a single Mom indicates that you are not exactly picky.  

    I got divorced after 4 years of marriage.  I got married very young and following the divorce, I became very picky.  25 years later, I'm still single.  Just never found anyone I felt I could trust.  

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