
Am I too tall to be a horserace jockey?

by  |  earlier

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I find it very exciting, but I'm not sure if I'm short enough. I am almost 5ft5". And also, is there some sort of weight minimum? This is probably just out of pure curiousity, but still.




  1. There is no maximum height, just a limit on how much you weigh.

    I'm very worried that you want to know how to stunt your growth!  What will be will be - if you become too tall to be a jockey than that is it.  If you try to stunt your growth in any way you will end up with serious health problems later in life.  Being a jockey is not the be all and end all, there are plenty of other jobs you can get in the racing industry that mean you can still be involved with the horses.

  2. 5'7 is the limit..

  3. It doesn't matter about the the height but you can only be a certain weight. Horses are very strong.

  4. Weight is more the issue then height....taller people weigh more then shorter.....not to mention the postion known as a monkey crouch, is easier for a smaller person to assume, and more efficent, when it comes to wind resistence, for the horse.

    Also, depends on what type of racing you are interested in.

    Steeplechase riders now are usually taller.

    I can sympathize on looking for a way to stunt your growth, but honestly you can't....and to try is VERY unhealthy.

    While I was in Canada, I met a rider who was my height, 5'6.  And tho he managed to keep to the weight he needed, he was very unhappy, and even looked unhealthy.  His bingeing and purgeing was well known, but he wasn't about to stop, as riding was what he wanted to do.   His ability was comprimised, and he found himself caught in a vicious circle, he couldn't get the mounts he wanted, even tho his weight wasn't the issue, it was his ability to ride well.  Many of his mounts would 'run away', simply because his body was not able to do the job he demanded of it.  It also impaired his ability to heal quickly when he did get injured.

    Racing is hard....the job of a jockey is much more demanding then it looks.  So do not compromise your health.

    If you still think you'd like to ride proffesionally, then I would suggest you go and get a job on the track, the 'backside',...and start as an excercise rider.  That is of course providing you have riding experience.  

    I have said this before, do not lie about your experience as trainers are responsible for the atheletes in their charge.

  5. There is no height requirement.  The max weight for a jockey is 112lbs.

  6. height does not matter. weightt does....u wanna be under 52 kgs.  Doing mild weights younger in life does help in arresting height develo[pment and thats the only technique i know that most aspiring jockeys use to arrest growth.

  7. Height isnt as important as weight. There are some jockeys who are close to 6 feet tall, as long as their weight is under control the height isnt overly important.

  8. Well I am 5ft3 and I was a jockey for 3 years untill I broke my knee (NOT horse related) but I NEVER got above 113lbs!

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