I know, I know, height questions get asked a lot. Anyways im about to be 18 in 2 months so im totally done growing but im 5'6.5" almost 5'7"
Before you go telling me to "embrace my height" and im "powerful and strong" and "someone will love you no matter what"
Well, I have no desire to be powerful and I dont want SOMEONE to love me I want EVERYONE to love me ;) But ive never had a problem getting guys so thats not really it, but I have the whole tanned bigt boob blonde thing going on and I want that full look, I wanna go on to do something like be in rock and metal videos or maybe even p**n [dont criticize, its what i wanna do its not hurting you] so I wanna be cute and non intimidating to guys so they feel like they can kinds have power over me. So, im 5'7"...am I too big to be viewed that way?
Whether you think being in p**n is bad, or letting guys be in control is bad, thats fine I respect that but it's not what i'm asking so just answer the height related stuff please :)