
Am I too uptight about manners at work?

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I work in an office environment with people in their mid 20's to late 30's, and out of the 6 of them, I would say 5 of them regularly (daily) eat at their desks and talk to one another loudly with their mouths full of food, routinely use profanity and tell off color and offensive jokes, and generally behave like idiots. I am also in my 30's, and I find this behavior terribly offputting. But I wonder if I am just too uptight or stuck in a time warp or something, because it seems to be the majority who behave this way, and maybe I am just out of touch with today's uber-casual ways?




  1. question for you-----are there different manners at work than at home?

  2. Yes, you are right.  The best thing you can do is lead by example.  I worked with a guy who wanted to put his girly pics on the wall for everyone to see.  I reported it and he had to take it down.  He was mad but understood.  If it gets out of hand, say something to someone or the boss.  No one should work in a hostile environment.

  3. I would ask them to try to be professional in the office since they portray the ability of your business. If they refuse go higher.

  4. I don't think you are. Sometimes you just don't want to hear it and it's annoying sometimes.  

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