
Am I too young to start working out?

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Im 13, almost 14 and I really want to start building some muscle cause I'm really skinny, only 104lbs and 5ft 4. Am I too young to start working out? What would be a good way to start building muscle?




  1. 13 is just perfect

    do some heavy weights if you want to build muslce and weight, go to the nearest sports shop or something


    wait yeah, dont stunt your growth by overdoing it. best you go do push ups and pulls ups and such, no weights over 20 lbs. Those wont stunt your growth

  2. yea thats a good age man

  3. the earlier you start, the buffer you'll get, the more chicks you'll pull in, bahahah

  4. don't do too much u don't want to stunt ur growth If u know what i mean! my cousin started at 12 and well just say he looks a lil funny!

  5. not sure, but you could start with pushups, situps, body squats, stretching

  6. no I don't think your too young. but start smaller. lift some weights everyday, for maybe 10 minutes. as you get stronger, start lifting heavier weights. just do daily things like this and you can feel yourself get stronger.  

  7. Yes, I started when I was 13. And dont listen to some of these people, lifting weights DOESN'T stunt your growth, it's been proved it doesn't. So start now.

    Oh, also you wont just get bgiger by lifting weights, you have to put some fat on your body so that it converts it to muscle. So I would eat a lot of protein and fibre, like chicken (You can buy a 200g chicken breast or something) and nuts to help repair the body muscles. Have fun lifting those weights!

    Oh, and one more thing: If you want to get really big, you will have to work out your legs aswell or you wont look normal. But if you just want to get toned up, you wont really have to. And also do some pushups, situps, pull-ups and other stuff like that aswell.

  8. good age, but don't go to fast. challenge yourself, but remember building muscles takes time.

  9. At your age, you should probably start doing bodyweight exercises.  This also has the benefit of not having to buy expensive equipment or paying for a gym membership.  Check out my website for lots of ideas-it is all free.  I am adding new stuff all the time as I have just begun on the site.  

    I train young people of your age at my PT studio and have fantastic results  Watch out for new exercises all the time.

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