
Am I totally Disturbed in this poem?

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Written by Semper Fi Reborn

I'll breach your door

And like a renegade

Throw in a verb grenade

And clear the room

Let loose a monsoon

Of metaphors

Multi-syllable tirades in deafening roars

I spin adjectives around my fingers

Like yarn

I'm quick to warn

Yet I'm more Noble than Barnes

My soliloquy is fiery


Evenly differed

Subtract an adverb

Through multiplicity

Cause I'm disturbed




  1. I'm like Rainman

    that was definitely

    yes, definitely awesome

  2. I love your sounds; they're dynamic, rhythmic.  Seamus Heaney says that you can know a poet through their sounds, and in your work I see a passion for language and a well-channeled aggression.  I love your first stanza; it's truly awesome.

    As a reader, I'm wondering why all the anger, but the emotion succeeds wonderfully here and I'm enjoying your sounds too much to care.  Thank you so much.  

  3. I am totally surprised.  Well done.  My only critique is that I find it boring when there is nothing to critique.  I some how feel like I am not working hard enough to find something I don't like about a given poem.  

    Well... Well done.  Amazing really.

  4. That's a hot verse to spit right there

  5. I love these linguistic metaphors. They explode like a verbal grenade.

  6. I love this, Semper!  A monsoon of metaphors, what a wonderful sight!

    And yes, I agree, you are very Noble!

  7. Well, you're a whirling dervish of verbal euphoria.  You dropped a bomb on me with your skills of A to Z. My dictionary runnith over and I'm pigging out on alphabet soup. I've been miram-websterized, brittanicasized, and even wikipediofied. May the literary gods bless you my son for you are the creator of all things I seek to be. You are a walking, talking, pen-stroking poet who has delivered the coup de grâce in one felt tip pen-stroke. G'day mate!

  8. I'll back off this time, and leave a room to the credible critics.But before I do, i have to say 1 word ( maybe 2) : Amazing simplicity ! That is never superficial, never shallow, and never hard to comprehend, But it it takes a person of Your (weight) to form it that way..Sempre ma man, now I think I can read Ur poem, knowing its yours without Ur avatar, because U have acquired a style of Ur own.Congrats !  

  9. spoken like a true poet.  Great play on words and loads of fun to read.

  10. I like this style very much.

    And no your not disturbed!

  11. It just sounds as if you dont know how to put a sentance together.

    More iliterate than disturbed.

  12. I better put my glasses on. I thought it said something about spinning yams...

  13. Disturbed?  No.  Strong and determined - yes.  Great poem that I can relate to.  

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