
Am I trippin here or is it him????

by  |  earlier

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My bf and I have been in a serious relationship for over a year now. He and I both have serious careers that are very time consuming so you can say the only time we spend together is when he arrives to my place after work (im already asleep) & in the moring when I leave to work (he's asleep) and weekends (some. Sundays are our only days off) Everything is cool but it drives me up the wall sometimes that he lacks communication skills... He will go all day with out sending me a text or calling or even emailing. He says he doesnt have time because he's "busy" . I work a lot harder than he does and have a lot more going on in my day than he does. Yet when the cell phone bill comes there are calls texts emails you name it... so I may not know who he's talking to but I definetly know who he's NOT talking to.

Should I kick back or should he kick rocks... ???




  1. confront him WITH bill in hand.

  2. Well, girl those are good sings of cheating or lack of love.

    You should sit and have a serious conversation.

    If i was you, i would check the phone history and start making some calls.

    I mean, if the communication is failing there IS something wrong.

    He should kick rocks!

  3. You should let it go. If he doesn't return calls or even answers his calls, then, I think you should let it go. If he really truly cared, and did not have anyone else on the side then he would answer, text, or email you. However, when you do let him go, it's important to remember to love yourself first, and put yourself first, and to always keep the faith in God, and to let a roming man rome.  

  4. i had a friend going through the same thing and i knew he was cheating but i had to let her find out on her own because some people only believe what they want. they really dont want to know the truth. she pulled his cell phone bill up on the computer and saw all kind of stuff she knew what he was doing and still tried to believe his lies STUPID but she wanted him just that bad.. DO YOU???????????

  5. all day with out a call or text or anything ? maybe its just you that is in a serious relationship.  another thing is i would be checking those numbers on the bill. you can go to anywho and do a reverse number check to find out just who they belong to. but all of this should be a red flag to you that there more then likely is something going on you dont know about. i dont like to be so negative but i like to be informed and not left wondering. thats what i did and found out what i wanted and then confronted him....its not being nosey, its taking care of yourself .

  6. I think you should break it off with him. It sounds like he has someone else on the side.  

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