
Am I truly independent like the FAFSA form means?

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I was a ward/dependent of the court until the age of 18 and for a year have been living on my own with no help from my parents.

I just decided to live with my dad (As I moved from Canada to Florida and needed somewhere to stay) over the summer and then I was going to move back out on my own.

I checked yes to the ward/dependent of the court until I was 18 question and it automatically said I was independent.

Should I have nothing to worry about or should I call them and explain my situation? Anyone else have any advice or have a similar situation?




  1. You will probably have to prove you were a ward of the court during the verification process. You would have to produce the paperwork stating those facts, or have your case worker produce the paperwork indicating you were a ward of the court or lived in foster care.

  2. Being ward of the court means, you were in the care of the state.  If you are thinking you are ward of the court because you live on your own, this is incorrect.  Please contact the financial aid office, because you are completing a federal form that can pose jail time.

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