
Am I uppose to tape my hockey stick when I play street hockey?

by  |  earlier

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Cause it seems such a waste, the tape weathers off in one shot. But am I suppose to?




  1. I play ice and street hockey, but I never tape my stick while playing street hockey. There is really no need for it. In ice hockey, you tape your stick because it makes it easier for the puck to slide off your stick on the ice. In street hockey, there is no ice, so you don't need it.

  2. it doesn't seem too necessary at all... either way, it doesn't matter if you do or not.. it wont mess u up if you don't

  3. No!!! You can s***w up your stick. Only use it for ice!

  4. no not on the blade just on the top for grip if you want it. and youll want to use an abs blade because they last the longest outside.

  5. i do, but u dont have to, these days they have a thick layer of fiberglass on the blade which hold up pretty well and lasts

  6. best thing to do is to use different sticks for ice and street. you dont really need a street stick persay but dont use the stick you use on the ice on the street you will s***w it up. as for the tape don't bother it's a waste.

  7. No. but you're not supposed to use a nice stick either.

    If you do, only put strips of tape on the front and back, like those stupid pads they sell.  

  8. You should be using a street stick in the first place, they have good quality ones (not those crappy Franklin ones). They are a hard plastic and do not need to be taped. Taping a stick on the ice is more for puck control, they absorb the pass and keep the puck on the blade better, not needed for an unfrozen puck. But you can very quickly destroy a good ice stick, the asphalt will eat up the layering (usually fiberglass or a composite) and once it starts fraying the blade strength is gone and it will snap the next time you use it stopping a real puck. So if you use it only for street then tape isnt something you should need to do, if you also intend to use it on the ice then I would tape it just to keep it from damage (Layer 4 or 5 layers on the bottom of the blade and then tape across the blade so it wont wear off so fast).  

  9. no ur not suppose too tape ur stick for any kind of hockey besides ice hockey

  10. im not much of a street hockey player but i dont think it would make sense to tape the blade..

    ive never taped the blades of the ones i use just to shoot around in my driveway but i dont really know what youre like technically supposed to do

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