
Am I vegan?

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I don't drink milk, I don't eat egg and other dairy product.

But I still eat cake..occationally, (only cake)

Can I say that I am vegan than eat cake?




  1. Heavens no, you can't eat cake, the vegan police will come knock down your door and drag you off. <<<Just kidding. :-)

    Cheat and have a slice of cake now and then if you want, it's your life anyway. You can make vegan cake, but it doesn't taste all that good. Here come the thumbs downs from the vegan section :-)

    Just called my vegan friend she's out murdering thousands of bugs with her lawn mower. :-)

  2. If you eat cake knowing that there is milk in it you are 100% not vegan.  Cake often has milk and eggs in it.  You would be a lacto-ovo vegetarian.

    That's like asking if you are a still a vegetarian if you eat pork.  It doesn't matter if it's in something.  You're still eating it.

  3. No.

    Most cakes have egg in them.

    So you ARE eating eggs.

    If you called yourself a vegan you'd be what we call a liar.

    It is possible to get vegan cake, theres a brand avalible in supermarkets and health stores.

    You can also make vegan cake.

  4. If the cake has egg and/or dairy in it, you are not vegan.  You can say you eat a mostly vegan diet but there is no such thing as being 99% vegan (that's like saying you are 99% pregnant)

  5. if you eat anything with dairy, meat anything

    you are not vegan, even the tiniest bit you cant say it.

    you can say 99% i guess, but vegans might think of you as a disgrace(more of a poser), and you should probably not call yourself a vegan.

    you eat diary\meat at all you are not a vegan.

  6. i would say that u would be considered almost vegan rather than 99%, vegans are very very strict in their diets of absolutely no animal related substances

  7. "Accidental" vegan.

  8. Why don't you make yourself a yummy vegan cake and then you could call yourself 100% Vegan.

  9. Well...

    You can not transform that: Am I vegan or not vegan in percent :)

    You r vegan if you dont eat any kind of animal products!

    And cakes consist  milk, eggs... or if there is no milk and eggs... probably there is a chocolate, and that consist milk :)

    By the way: there r lots of cookies on: - try it, and you can be definitly VEGAN... 100% :))))

  10. No, stop eating cake.

  11. Make sure you take calcium tabs since you don't like milk.  Try soy milk..the chocolate is pretty good.  Soy and rice milk can be substituted for many milk products in recipes if you really want to not be a poser.  You can do what you want, but vegans are pretty stout when it comes to their beliefs.

  12. No. I don't think you would be vegan unless the cake that you eat has no dairy, whey, egg, honey or any other product which originated from an animal.

  13. Being vegan is an absolute thing, you either are or your not, there is no half way. And you are not vegan, you are a vegetarian.

  14. well realy it depends on if the cake has eggs or other things that an animal may have produced. if it does have any of that then no, you are not a vegan only a vegitarian.

  15. dude ya you can tell ppl w/e u want... if you concider yourself more vegan then not, well then u are, right?  yup yup ... ;)

  16. you're not 99% vegan nor any vegan denominaton.

    You're a vegetarian at best, and with such a flippant attitude to what you eat, i wouldn't be surprised if some meat product fell into your diet somewhere.
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