
Am I wearing too much eyeliner?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Oh Fuuuuuuck all of you!!! You all are so fucked up and disgusting. I dont and never will understand how someone can be so fuuucking rude to a complete stranger. Why do you all feel you need to insult others? To make yourself feel better about how "PERFECT" you are??? Oh kiss my asss you pieces of fuckiiiing shiiiiit!

    By the way... Maybe if you dragged the eyeliner on the corner and put less on the top lid it'd make your eyes look bigger.  

  2. no i dont think you are, i think that its mild compared to alot of eyeliner other people wear!

  3. Nope! Not at all. I think it makes your eyes look like doll eyes.

  4. if that's the only makeup you're wearing... yes.

    but.. if you add a little blush/bronzer to your cheekies.. you can do heavy eyeliner and not look weird.

    i would suggest.. shape and fill in your eyebrows, and style your hair. and i think you're wearing liquid.. if you're lining the bottom, use a pencil and a smudger.

  5. Not if you are dressing up as a hooker

  6. wow these people do not know how to answer a simple question lol i think u should make your top line a lil thinner but the bottom looks great!

  7. I don't think so,

    but i love a lot of eyeliner

    if you like the way you have it then don't worry about

    people and what they think.

    hope this helps.

  8. no..

    I just read what all of these a******s had to say about your picture.  I do not think you are ugly at all!  I think everyone else feels the need to write mean things to make themselves feel good and THAT is UGLY!

  9. it's black and white, how can we tell, to put eyeliner, it have to be a thin line that have the same form or trace as your eyes

  10. Yes, or it's just too dark a color.  You could use lighter colors so your eyes have a softer look.

  11. It's more than I would recommend for you, but it doesn't look *bad*.  If you like it, then go for it!

    If you're looking to make a change, though, I would recommend not lining the entire lower lid--that tends to make people's eyes look smaller.

    Sometimes, instead of using an eyeliner, I'll use a bit of darker shadow along my lash line.  Usually, I'll use a light brown base shadow, darker brown in the crease, and then the darker brown on the lower lash line, just at the outer corners.  Creates a softer, more natural look than liner, in my opinion.

    --->Have fun experimenting!

  12. I think it's more about HOW you put the eyeliner than how MUCH you put the eyeliner. You can use a tiny bit or a whole lot and still look good with eyeliner if you use it well.

  13. It's hard to say because it is in black and white! But from the picture I would say YES, but it probably wouldn't look like it if it were in color.

  14. Just a little too much.

  15. Wow...people on here are HORRIBLE...

    Don't listen to them! :)

    And uhm You're wearing a little too much it looks like..but you can't really tell because its black and white!!


  16. first of all it depends if yur goth/punk/emo like i am than no u need more lol

    put if yur prep then yes u r and if yur tom boy then yes u r

    but really y does it matter what we think i mean if u like it than u should wear it !!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. no you're wearing to much FAT!

  18. Jesus, some of these answers are  . . .. cruel.  

    I think it's too much; it closes in your eyes too much, especially on the bottom.  Could also be too dark a color.

    But you are cute.  I hope you don't listen to the miserable nasty people on here.

  19. Omg peopole are so mean these days..

    Be proud because ur fat

    Unlike skinny whores( i am one lol)

    But yea just bcuz ur skinny u dont have to be mean

    and btw ue pretty

    and no u dont wear too much (:

  20. No..u look cute on it..juz dun mind wad other ppl talk bout u..coz i'm same wif u too..n i dun mind wad they say..n i'm proud to be me..

  21. OMFG! OMFG!

    what a horrible picture

    yes lose the eyeliner completely

    and maybe some weight too?

  22. I think you look pretty with it. very sophisticated and womanly.

  23. I think the eyeliner on your upper eyelids looks good on you and I like it,but not sure about them bottom ones,this may look your eyes look thighter and you probably dont neetd any eyliner on your bottom eyelids or you can use my trick,I wear eyeliner on my upper eyelids and eye pencil for the bottom ones:)

  24. hahahaha h**l yes! you look like a racoon

  25. I'd say so. But its hard to tell in the black and white.

    Someone PLEASE help me!

    Thank You.

  26. Kinda hard to tell in a B&W pic

  27. EMO

  28. It depends on where your going. Girls where alot of eyeliner these days anyways. It looks fine to me.  

  29. yea ur wearing to much eyeliner probably want to get rid of sum fat to sweetie  

  30. no ur not if u like it then flaunt it gurl 4get wat others think!!!! girl dats on the very top u are a straight up coward talking mes on yahoo grow up childish u probably an ugly worthless person wit no life!!!!!!

  31. idk.whatever floats your boat. i like eyeliner tho but not very thick.

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