
Am I weird because I like birds and I'm 15? I'm getting a sun conure and my sister thinks I'm nuts.?

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My sister is totally the type A, cyborg overachiever. She always is degrading me, and always showing that she is always right. But that doesn't matter. What matters is that I LOVE birds and I'm getting a sun conure in the next month or two. She thinks I'm wasting my money and that NORMAL 15 year old boys should be into girls, and drinking, and saving for a car. I mean those things aren't really important to me at this time. I even asked her "will you ever understand that I like birds, and they're not a waste of money?" And she said "no." She's always degrading me and saying that I am not normal, because I'm into birds and not other normal 15 year old boy stuff. Is it wrong for me to love something passionately and want to buy a bird so I can love it and cherish it. As i am typing away at this I think i am stupid for asking these questions, but i really do need someone else's perspective. I love birds and always will. I think I am normal. I think everyone has their own weird quirks and twists that set them apart from everyone else. Mine just happens to be birds. Tell me what you think.




  1. You are perfectly normal. It's good that you have something you enjoy so much. Don't let anyone put you down for having a hobby that interests you. Enjoy the things you like! =)

  2. Your fine.  If you get a chance, read Walden Pond by Henry David Thoreau.  It's all about love of nature.

    Too funny, someday you will be a famous ornithologist while your sis is barefoot and pregnant with her 3rd kid...

  3. well if u rele like birds? i think big bird is now single

    lol but seriously its good to hav something that you enjoy and sets you apart from all those high school cliques  

  4. She is your sister, she is there to bug you. I think birds aren't a waste of money. Buy whatever you want! I think it is a cool thing to be interested in, actually.

  5. Well you sister sounds like a Crack-w***e. Tell her to shut up,  Just pursue whatever makes you happy.  Your sister is a bad sister if she tells you, you should be drinking.  What the h**l goes through her head that she thinks 15 year olds should drink. How effed up.

    Penguins are my fave animal.

    Birds are lovely.

    Your sister is not.

  6. Birds are cool. I have a parrot, but he pecks and poops a lot and shreds up c**p so he's very messy. :/

    Anyway, just do what you love and s***w the rest. Your sister is just being a jerk for the sake of it, siblings tend to do this, ignore her.

  7. I think you are right. There is nothing wrong with taking an interest in birds, snakes, cars, astronomy, geology, history, guitar, piano, or anything else that people just "get into". A 15 year old spending money on a bird is a lot more positive than spending it on partying or drugs, like many out there would. Or having no interests at all.

    Enjoy your bird!!

  8. Na loving animals is fine i mean my puppy is a part of my family, she's my little princess, i spend a lot of money on her. I can hear her making noise from the kitchen I better go check up on her, i think she's up to mischief.

  9. Sun Conures are so d**n cute but they are allot of responsibility it is almost like having a kid you can't just let these guys sit in there cage you have to interact w/ them all of the time or they will turn aggressive on you.

  10. I don't think there is anything wrong with you liking birds.  Perhaps you'll grow up and be an ornithologist or naturalist.  

    To tell you the truth, older sisters can be a pain and I wouldn't change for her or even worry too much what she says.  I'd let it go in one ear and out the other.  If you were into what she calls "normal" things she'd probably find some reason to criticize you for that too.  In fact her nagging and criticism shows a lack of maturity on her part, not that anything is wrong with you.  In a few years she'll more than likely grow up and you'll laugh about all this stuff, though I know (from experience) that it is all very important now.  

    Good luck with your new pet.

  11. There is nothing wrong with liking birds. Your sister is a loser by the way. Do whatever makes YOU feel happy and forget what others have to say, especially if it's something negative.

  12. No you're not. Do the things that make you happy.

    Would you like me to ***** slap your sister? :)

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