
Am I weird for feeling this way or is it norm..???

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I don't really like people...I mean I don't like hate them but I would rather have pets or books as my friends =] I am 13 and going into 8th grade and I want to know is this normal???

LIke I really don't want any friends cuz I feel like they hold you back or always want you there and I am kinda a loner lol..




  1. u totally normal its just the way you  R

    some ppl like company some ppl dont  

  2. idk... i'm 13 too.

  3. You are normal, but you just prefer a different kind of company. (e.g. books and pets) .You are just more mature than most people, but don't worry, its normal.

    When I was 11 I was already feeling this way, and every year in my report book it would say " She is much more mature than her peers"

    If you have any problems, I don't think your books or pet can help you in anyway, but maybe your friends can.Just choose the right person to confess to.

    Kudos to my fellow loner ! =)

  4. I was the exact same why I am only a year younger and i'm goin to be 13 in october.  When i started 6th grade i felt like i had no friends when i actually do.!

  5. It is normal for some teenagers to feel that way. You just have a more mature outlook on relationship with other people.

    But it is always good to have one or two close friends that can help you overcome obstacles in life.

  6. i am the same way, but i wasnt when i was your age, i always think thins isnt normal. maybe we are OK. my dog is my BFF, id rather be with him them my so called friends

  7. I'm 13 too =)

    Well, you should try to get friends too.

    Friends do a lot of things with you.

    They cry, smile, laugh with you.

    They care for you and you care for them.

    Whenever you have problems or issues you can tell your friends.

    Friends are the flowers of life.

    Everybody needs a friend.

    After all humans are social creatures. =)

  8. umm. yeah, that's not too normal ? really should get some friends and go out and have fun, because thats what kids your age are supposed to be doing.....if you dont have any friends and dont do anything when your older you are really going to regret it....

  9. I have tons of friends

    and I don't actually like any of them

    so yeah, i think your normal

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