
Am I weird to be like this?

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I am 13 and don't take this the wrong way, I don't want a boyfriend or anything because I do my own thing and I have a best friend and everything. Lots of people in my school have boyfriends who are their age but I am only attracted to men around age 20 on average and it's totally strange to some people. I know lots of people this age and they're so hot and everything but when this boy my age tryed to chat me up and it annoyed me I just didn't fancy him or anything it's weird and most people my age would have jumped at the chance to go out with him but I don't have a boyfriend.and I'm just worried i'll be like this all my life but I can't help my feelings, no matter how wrong it sounds. Please help me.




  1. Ha ha. I thought it was only me... Nah, you're not weird. I understand where you're coming from. A lot of younger guys think with their willy's & not their brains  :P

  2. Well you have to ask yourself am i really ready for a more mature guy? Guys that age are going to expect you to have a mature mind and not just be 13. Dating older guys is going to be so much diff than dating a guy that you go to school with. There is nothing wrong with liking guys who are in an older age category but you have to be totally ready for what comes with that. No older guy is going to want to date a female who is 13 and acts 13. If you feel that your mind is mature enough to date an older guy that's fine but don't let your gut make the decisions for you! Dating an older guy is going to be like something you have never experienced before and you're going to have to be ready mentally, emotionally and physically! You also are going to have to keep a tight hold on your responsibilities because dating an older guy can go one of two ways... Very right or Very wrong! This relationship can cause major problems if the cards aren't played right. Being as young as you are you are going to have to know how to play your position when involving yourself with an older guy. Just be mindful of this decision, take your time and think about whether or not you want subject yourself to adulthood. Your consequences are based on what you subject yourself to. Don't set yourself up for failure, im not trying to discourage you just suggesting that you think of all the consequences before you act. You should ask yourself do you really think a guy that age and you being your age will he take you serious? You should also ask yourself will you be putting him in danger with your parents or your provider?? Being the age you are you will be looked at by your provider as someone who is being taken advantage of but in actuality this is something that you want and guys being guys are always on the prowl...!!!!

  3. your not weird at all! if some1 teases you about not having a bf say to them "what?? i dont want a bf cuz i dont like luvie duvie stuff". and that's it. :)

  4. ur not weird at all. i remember when i was 13, believe it or no i had the same taste as u. never had a bf even thou all of my friends had one and always tried to hook me up wit diff guys, but i never liked them. i was happy with it and never tout something was wrong with me. and now im 18 and have fiance age of 25 =) kinda big difference eh? but im happy with him than ever. so there is nothing wrong with u, ur still young so just enjoy your life. it seems like u have got everything u need, and bf is just extra in your age. so enjoy your life. it doesnt sound any wrong to me personally. so dont think too much about what ppl may think of u or what ur classmates tink of u. who cares? if ur happy with ur life, and thts all tht matters.

  5. My friend sounds a lot like you although shes 15 she met these guys over summer who were in their early 20s listen you are young and I get it guys can be jerks but its because they are immature!! I know u want a bf but I would wait cause one day ull find the right guy!!

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