
Am I weird to be stalking my bio parents?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so lately I've taken to calling the numbers I have for my bio parents, just to hear their voices. The numbers I have are work numbers, so I just call to listen to their answering machines, but just now my father actually answered and I hung up on him. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I just love to hear their voices, because I can hear myself in them. Am I weird or crazy to be doing this? Just to be clear, I mean them no harm at all.




  1. Dear Problem Child,

    You are not weird. I would give anything to have my children "stalk" me! You should really try saying "Hello" - I bet they would love to hear your voice too! I sincerely hope that you can have more than voices on a machine someday!!

  2. You're not weird dear, but try saying hello. Be as mysterious as you want, even start out by saying "I don't want to say who I am, I just want to hear your voices".

      Remember that calling and hanging up isn't just impolite, it also may be scaring them.

  3. NO YOU ARENT WEIRD. call again and start talking to him. JUST BE GLAD YOU ARE ABLE TO HAVE CONTRACT WITH YOUR BIO PARENTS B/C SOME PEOPLE NEVER DO. introduce yourself and if at all possible set up a date to meet each other and bring your hubby if you would like. GOD BLESS AND TAKE CARE

  4. Yeah. thats a little crazy

  5. I don't think you're weird...  you're probably being very normal for someone looking for their natural parents.  You could leave a message and tell them that you just wanted to hear their voices, especially if you are not ready to meet face to face yet.  Maybe they'd like to hear your voice, too.

  6. Hi Problem Child,

    No, i do not believe you are weird.  I agree that it must be comforting to hear yourself in your parents voices.  This has to be amplified for you since you have not experienced this before.  Good Luck:)

  7. I would stalk my son if i knew where he was. For the same reason, not to intrude, just to see or hear or smell or brush against him.

    I don't think it is so strange, we all want to know where we came from and see those who share our traits.

    ps. i miss u

  8. I wouldn’t call it weird but that said I feel  its wrong to stalk people even if attentions are not bad. It could escalate to other things.  Why don’t you just talk to them? They or someone at their office[s] will probably eventually be able to track that someone keeps repeatedly calling them but not leaving any messages or hanging up.

    Or you could try recording the call then you wouldn’t have to continually call you could just listen to a tape anytime you wanted too.

  9. That is a little weird.  Try just talking to them.  Maybe, just maybe, a relationship might work out.  Be prepared if it doesn't, but I know of several where it does work out.  Try to meet in a neutral area, like a busy public park, or in front of a fire station, or in the mall.  Calling them like that can be traced, and could be considered a criminal act, so please be careful.

  10. I don't think you are crazy.  I am a mother myself and I still call my parents because talking to them makes me feel good.

    I can't imagine what it is like for you, but you sound like you would like to have them in your life, so maybe try to get yourself to talk to them?  May take a little doing, but just keep in mind that you have done nothing wrong and still aren't.

    I hope it works out for you.

    Best of luck !!!

  11. No that is not wierd!  I am an adoptee and have been searching for a few years-still no answers!  By the way-if u don't mind me did u find them?  I would be doing the same thing u are doing if I had a phone number:)  I am very happy for you.  That is awesome!

  12. I don't think this is weird at all, but I do think it would be a lot better if you talked to them then maybe you can actually meet them!!

  13. No it  is not weird at all . i am adopted to and it is just natural to want to know who you look like and if you have there voice.

    call them and talk to them . you are lucky you can do that .

    i can't.

  14. Seek the Lord for your answer.

  15. Why don't you just actually leave a message and talk to them. That will probbally stop this.   Your curiosity will be satified.  Maybe you can video tape your meeting so  you can play the  tape back

  16. im a birth mom and i really would want my birth child to call me and TALK to me.  it would be the best day of my life.  just try talking to sure they would love it!!

  17. Not crazy at all, us bio-kids, get to hear our parents voice all the time.

    It must be comforting. Why don't you talk to them?

    Come to think of it, think of all the people who have lost someone to death, how much would they give to hear that voice again.

  18. What you are doing is totally normal. Why don't you talk to them? There is no meaning in hiding.

  19. PC, I don't think you are weird or crazy at all. I think it's perfectly natural to want to hear the voices of your first parents.

    But... have you tried speaking to them? Perhaps they would be interested in speaking with you.

  20. I agree with leaving a message. Tell them who you are and  explain that you mean no harm and that you just want to hear their voices. Leave a number in case they want to do the same. It might turn into the ice breaker you need.

    Be careful, it can have legal repercussions.

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