My daughter was born with a hematoma on her brain and was taken by ambulance to Children's Hospital within 4 hours of her birth. She spent 5 days there- 2 days in the NICU and 2 1/2 days in the ICC. She was released with a heart monitor to alert us if she quit breathing. She wore the heart monitor for 6 weeks during which time it only went off once. Since then she has been very healthy.
Because of the hematoma on her brain my daughter is visited by special education specialists once a month at day care. I also fill out one 4 page questionnaire each month regarding her development. So far, things have been on track.
I am starting to worry a bit though. She has been rolling from back to tummy (only to the left side) since she was 4 months old. However, she has never rolled to the right and cannot roll from tummy to back on either side.
She can sit up on her own and hold her own bottle. She has great hand eye coordination and is a very happy, bubbly, talkative baby. But if she doesn't start rolling better, she will be enrolled in special education classes and they will up her developmental screenings.
Should I be worried? Does this commonly happen with babies? If so, when did yours start rolling both ways?
I appreciate all answers!