
Am I worrying about nothing?

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About 4 years ago I found out that my partner was texting and sending pictures to women on these s*x text lines. After confronting him and hearing his reason that he wasn't doing it to hurt me, it was just a s*x thing, I forgave him. However he did it again and again and the last time he swore he wouldn't do it anymore. He hasn't got a mobile anymore but I have this gut feeling that he has had s*x with other women while he has been away. You see, he admitted to me when we first got together that he had done this to his ex so am I right to go with my gut feeling?




  1. Dump him as fast as you can. This kind of behavior is not only unacceptable but very unlikely to change.

  2. Don't jump to conclusions..... but if you have a gut feeling about something you're probably right. If he reasoned himself out of sending raunchy texts, then he will try to reason himself out of having s*x with other women.  This guy sounds like bad news, but  if you are committed to making it work with him, he may have a deeper issue that lies with his infidelity.  

  3. As hard as it is to say, I say go with your gut. My mom wasted to much time with my dad by NOT going with her got and trusting him. And years later I am the one that catches him, his son. Anyways that was a little bit of venting but I would say go with your gut. And I am sorry.

  4. You've given your approval to his behavior for 4 years. Its not fair of you to change the rules now.  

  5. Gut feelings are not always right. Confront him about this. But do it in a gentle way, not in an accusing manner.

    If there is no trust in a relationship, it is much better if you two could go into counselling.

  6. i think i would be suspicious too he seems to have a rutine of lying to u over and over maybe he has a problem and needs help if u take away the phone perhaps he will just find another way to get his fix? have u asked him about it?

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