This is what I am worried about:
I was sexually assaulted and given HPV by the attacker. I went to Planned Parenthood for treatment. I have them my SS number, not thinking.
I am also worried because I saw a psychiatrist after I had a stalker. The stalker threatened to kill me so I talked to the psychiatrist. However, one day my Mom and I got into an argument so she called hte receptionist and asked for an appointment. The receptionist told my Mom to take me to the psych ward. My Mom hung up the phone because she knew I never needed to go the psych ward. My mom and I made up a short time later, Anyways, I went to the psychiatrist for an appointment and he said that he got a message that I was suicidal, and kept asking why I didn't go to the hospital and get help. He didn't believe a word I said.
I do worry constantly, but I am not depressed. I am just anxious. I was NEVER suicidal. It was a telephone game.
I have HPV and suicidal on my medical records, now I am worried I will never get a job. I also have a DUI on my record from 3 years ago. I sit and home and worry all day, bc I am so scared of getting a job because they will ask about 1) my criminal record and 2) my medical records. They will find out I have a DUI, HPV, and a history of suicide (Even though I was never suicial)
I am very worried. Am I worrying too much HELP ME
I want to get a job but I am sooo scared of applying I was a college student until I dropped out from worry. I had a 3.8 but then I worried about never getting a job so I just gave up on career/jobs and I just siit home all day and watch soap operas.