
Am I worrying over nothing? HELP ME

by  |  earlier

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This is what I am worried about:

I was sexually assaulted and given HPV by the attacker. I went to Planned Parenthood for treatment. I have them my SS number, not thinking.

I am also worried because I saw a psychiatrist after I had a stalker. The stalker threatened to kill me so I talked to the psychiatrist. However, one day my Mom and I got into an argument so she called hte receptionist and asked for an appointment. The receptionist told my Mom to take me to the psych ward. My Mom hung up the phone because she knew I never needed to go the psych ward. My mom and I made up a short time later, Anyways, I went to the psychiatrist for an appointment and he said that he got a message that I was suicidal, and kept asking why I didn't go to the hospital and get help. He didn't believe a word I said.

I do worry constantly, but I am not depressed. I am just anxious. I was NEVER suicidal. It was a telephone game.

I have HPV and suicidal on my medical records, now I am worried I will never get a job. I also have a DUI on my record from 3 years ago. I sit and home and worry all day, bc I am so scared of getting a job because they will ask about 1) my criminal record and 2) my medical records. They will find out I have a DUI, HPV, and a history of suicide (Even though I was never suicial)

I am very worried. Am I worrying too much HELP ME

I want to get a job but I am sooo scared of applying I was a college student until I dropped out from worry. I had a 3.8 but then I worried about never getting a job so I just gave up on career/jobs and I just siit home all day and watch soap operas.





  1. First of all -- take a breath.  Please calm down.  You're only going to work yourself up more.

    Trust me;  if employers cut out everyone who had a DUI, there would be a lot more people desperate to hire these days.  As long as that's all you have and it was so long ago, I don't think you have anything to worry about.  When employers ask about criminal records, they are typically looking for more serious charges like murder, theft, or assault.  If you are asked, be honest, but tell them,  "That was several years ago, and it was a mistake that will never happen again.  I definitely learned from that one."  

    As far as your medical records go, your HPV certainly cannot keep you from getting a job, and I am extremely sorry to hear you've let it keep you back for so long.  When asking about your medical history, employers are looking for a)  a condition like back problems or recent surgery that could interfere with work or b)  something you can pass on through everyday interactions like shaking hands or sneezing, which cannot be done with HPV.  If you are refused a job because of it, then that is discrimination and THEIR fault, not yours.

    You are definitely worrying too much, hon.  I know your life has been harder than most, and I'm so sorry you had to go through all that.  But you cannot let your past rule your future.  Just by taking the first step and applying for a job anywhere -- even at the local supermarket to start -- will do wonders for your confidence and your happiness.  If I could make a suggestion, you might want to look into seeing a therapist;  nothing serious, just someone you could see once a week or bi-monthly and go over all your worries with.  It sounds like having someone to listen to you and talk with you about your fears and problems will help you a lot.  

    I wish you all the best in the world.  Get out there and start living your life.

  2. Most employer's don't check your medical records and the medical community won't release your medical records due to the privacy act.  So don't worry, they won't find anything out because it's none of their business.  Unless your DUI was a felony, you don't have to put it down on your employee application.  Actually you don't have to put it down anyway, as most employers never really check.  State, county and city employers will check, and maybe some private companies, but I wouldn't worry about it.  Go back to school and you'll be fine.

  3. :-( so sorry to hear this has happened to you!! it's not your fault.

    don't worry about applying for a job because your medical records are confidential. an employer may NOT ask you about your medical records during a job interview.

    once you are already hired, they may only look into your medical info if it applies to the job (ie: back injury prohibiting someone from doing heavy lifting for a delivery company).

    Contact organizations like the better business bureau for more information about your workers' rights.

    i wish you all the best in life.

  4. I'm not sure what kind of job requires your medical records... most that I'm aware of ask for a physical from your doctor, ususally involving a form from the potential employer, to be filled out by your doctor. Things like STD's and mental health are NOT standard on most of those forms. Besides that, mental health information (especially from therapists) is strictly confidential.

    The DUI is a different issue altogether.

    Hey, sorry to hear about the assault. Hope you are still seeking couseling - get a NEW therapist, one you feel you can trust - it makes all the difference.

    Hope this helps,

    Twisted Sister

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