
Am I wrong for being a little offended?

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My daughter has a rough year in school-long story short

she was being bullyed at school by two girls and last week-the girls sent her really nasty messages..

I was telling my good friend who knew about the whole story all year. I was telling her that I talked to the mom and she kept saying her daughter didn't said she didn't do it blah blah

She said -I can't imagine this sweet girl would do this and I NEED to look at the mom's point of view.

Yes BUT doesn't the mom need to look at mine? what if it was her kid?

How sweet could this girl be if she is bullying my daughter?

I told the mom I saved all the messages-she didn't ask to see them

I was a little pissed I wrong?




  1. You are not wrong. You are trying to get to the issue and resolve it by finding out why your child is getting bullied. If the bully's mom decides to turn the other way and not TRY to figure out what is going on then that just means she is the type of parent that feels their CHILD is good no matter what others say. You can feel this way, but if someone was to tell you your child did this and that, wouldn't you want to get to the bottom of it insteading of ignoring it?

    I would bring it up to the school's personnel and see if they can assist you in the matter and maybe bring in the bully's mom and hold a meeting to get to the bottom of it so your daughter can have a better school year.

  2. you should take this bullying thing very seriously.In our town we've recently had about 5 local kids commit suicide  due to technical bullying.texting,my space etc.get rid of daughters my space account,change her # and instruct her to not give it out.Kids can do alot of harm to each other in the cyberworld.One boy commited suicide because 3 girls were harrassing him,dubbing pictured on his my space etc. of things he would never do.Parents are always gonna side with their children no matter how right or wrong.take matters into your own hands.

  3. you have every right to be very pissed off!!!  that mother needs to confront her daughter and find out what is going on!  by not doing this that nasty girl will continue to treat others wrongly because she knows she can get away with it!!  

    if the mother is not doing anything about it...maybe speak to the teacher and just ask to keep an eye out if anything is happening in the classroom and make her aware of situation.

    sorry that this is happening. girls can be so nasty!

  4. take the messages to the school board and report the abuse. and also go to the police and file a restraining order. your child should not have to deal with such stupidity

  5. No. I would be more than a little offended. I would have said something to her right then. This whole situation sounds like it has put a strain on you and your daughter. I'm sorry you both are going through this and I hope things get better.

  6. No, I think you're right,. it obvious that she just doesn't want to be bother with it. Keep saving those messages

  7. You are not wrong. I don't know how old your daughter is but if the other parent doesn't want to be bothered by the messages you have I would bring it to some one else's attention. The school, if threatening the police.

  8. It saddens my heart that the mother would not even look at the messages. It seems to me to that she is in denial, and does not want to know the truth. I would continue to save the messages, and if need be report them to the authorities. It seems to me that this could become more dangerous if something is not done.  The authorities would have to do something.  The mother would have to oblige them and look at the evidence. If it is not her child, that is one thing, but if it is , the mother should be held accountable as well.

  9. No, you aren't wrong.  It seems like some parents are blind to their children's behavior.   Certain girls are just plain nasty.  I can't believe some of the comments I read on my daughter's myspace.  

    If you have the actual messages then you aren't just speculating, you have the proof that her daughter is a bully.

  10. You have every right to be mad. Just remember that the mom of the bully does not want to think her daughter is being mean. Don't worry about them. Use this as a great time to teach your daughter about bullies, how it feels, and how to treat other people. Give her confidence. Keep talking. If they keep writing her notes, talk to her teachers and even the principal.  The school can take care of the girl and her mother.

    The mom of the bully may not take it from you, but if the teacher calls and says that she is being mean, she may listen.

    good luck and give your little girl a hug!!!

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