Ok...well i have never really had a good relationship with my step-mother...she was very abusive and cruel growing up until I ran away when I was 18...well we HATED each other until my son was born, I decided to just put it all to the side for my son and because i didn't want to be estranged from my dad and he die and i regret it for the rest of my life...well anyways, i had been asking them if they would helo me with my kids for a couple hours so that i could go to school at night..in the mean time my husband gets off work and picks them up...its like a 2hr visit total...so, this semester I have a class that starts at 5 and I ask my step-mom if that is ok...she says yes, no problem cause my classes are right by her house...and then my 1st week..she calls and tells me she can't watch them...that she is now going back to school...so now i had to drop the classes, lost money and on the books as well and i was upset cause why couldn't my dad watch them? its just 2hrs on tues and thurs...but then at the same time...i'm like ok, i can't expect them to help me and solve my problems...but she didn't even give me notice.....and the today my brother tells me that i should pay my sister to watch them....so that right there made it clear that they want me to pay them to watch them 2hrs...am i wrong or should i pay them? I mean, ,my son plays with my adopted brother, its not like they actually have to do anything for them....they are fed and everything before i take them...they just need adult supervision...i just feel bad....cause it seems like she always does something to hold me back....she is the main reason why i had to quit college 8yrs ago and she always treated me like garbage...I mean, the least she could do was help me out a bit :( I'm just sad that people are really that mean....