
Am I wrong for telling my boss NO?

by  |  earlier

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My boss called and asked for my password to give to another employee because they will be working in my position while I cover for someone who is on short term disability. I told my boss no and to create a password and login for the person. I feel like if someone did something wrong while logged in under my information, that I would be the one to get in trouble, and sorry I refuse to take the wrap for something someone else did. She got mad and slammed the phone thoughts are "Oh Well" but what are your thoughts.




  1. I assume that your boss is not the owner of the company, in which case you did the right thing.

  2. You absolutely did the right thing.  Never give your passwords to anyone.  Your boss should have known better.

  3. Not at all. There's a reason why each person's computer has a password. What if this person saw your goal review or a confidential project or some other information that they have no business knowing? They even tell us at my work to lock our workstation if we leave our desk.

  4. Good for you for sticking up for yourself!  Sounds like your boss would be the type TO pin something on you if that person screwed something up in your abscence.  Most companies have policies about passoword sharing anyway so even if your boss is mad, there is nothing that she can do about it!

  5. Sorry for the late answer but I did not see the question until you ask the next one which I have answered.

    Passwords are private. I have worked in IT in one way or another for 30 or more years of my career! Now it only takes less than a minute on most systems for the IT person to create a new one and even if some of your work can only be  accessed by yours then they can set up a shadow with the same capability in less than 5 minutes. In many companies the Manager may have a high level password that can get to your stuff but at least it is traceable as to who done what to the data!

    Bottom line is that you never give out your password anymore that the Grocery store clerk gives their cash register pass word to another cashier! Passwords make all entries or deletions traceable as to the person and machine that made it. The owner of the password is responsible for everything done using it. If your boss insists that you do it then ask for the request in writing and signed with a copy to It and your bosses boss. This way you are covered! When you get back, Change the password immediately.

    In Some companies where people use the Computer a lot, they use the Sign in time as a time clock to pay you! Please check my Profile and you might understand where I am coming from!

    Proud Vet

  6. i probally wouldn't have gave my passsword either. i think if you tell the boss why you did it she would understand

  7. You were right.  Your boss was wrong to ask, she should have known better.   Her response was childish.  It would be correct to create a new password for the temp person.

  8. You absolutely did the right thing!  Your boss is an idiot and should be reported ASAP!  Usually businesses have a hotline where you can report anything annonymously and they will investigate it.  Your boss should be fired for even asking you for your password.

  9. You are right to say NO!!!You should NEVER EVER!!Give your password to anyone who knows what they could access!!!!

  10. The company gave you a password because they wanted you to have it.  If they wanted your boss to have it, they would have given her a list.  Your boss can call IT if she wants your password, but they won't give it to her for the reasons above.  At best, your boss is trying to do something stupid.  At worst, she's trying to put your name on something that you really don't want it on.

  11. You were absolutely right. Your boss should stop being lazy and just create one for the person.

  12. Your password and logon are your PERSONAL settings, and you did right to tell him NO. He should have never asked to begin with.

    If something wrong is done under your password or logon you can be held accountable and written up for that.

    I would report that to HR, don't make a big issue, just a short email to make them aware that was done, as its probably in violation of your MIS procedures.

  13. You were very much in the right for telling your boss to make another login and password for that person.  Smart move.  If that person messed up something under your account, there is no guarantee that your boss would back you up on this one.

  14. he was probably testing you...

  15. You did the right thing. Most companies have policies set up against sharing passwords.

  16. Good for you.  Stand your ground on this one and explain your views on identity theft and accountability for your own actions.  Giving someone else your password nullifies any security that your IT department has in place for you.  If your boss persists, take it up with IT or human resources.  I'm sure they have policies regarding this type of situation.

  17. yr password is private and should stay that way

  18. my thoughts were oh well too. I think the boss can create a login and password for the person. She does not need yours.

    Unless the work is in your actual stuff then she would need access to it and you would have to give her the password.

    But I still don't see why she would need it for a person who is just holding on

  19. Just one more "you were right" vote.


    Check out your company's IT policies.  I bet your company has a written policy that says employees are never to give their password to ANYONE, and doing so is grounds for termination.  

    Be sure that you document with your Human Resources folks the fact that your boss demanded your password so she could give it to a temp and that you refused as per the written policy.

  20. You are correct.  You never give out your password.  Call the IT department and have them set up a temporary account for the new guy.

  21. You did the right thing.You are always told never to give your pass word out and that means at work too. If she fires you over this, I would place a law suit on her and her company.

  22. No way! I would never give my password out! Especially to some temp I don't even know. If something goes wrong while she's working as you, you should have to handle the blame for it.

  23. Passwords are made to keep others out I think you did the right thing.

  24. I would hall my butt down to the human resources department or the man over the company. I feel your supervisor is out of league with this one. I would go over her head and ask the upper heads. I am sure they are going to tell you not to give it out. I feel she needs to be reprimanded.

  25. Let's say, your boss was very wrong asking your password. The boss should not be the one who breaks the rules, she should have thought of it herself and ask IT dept to create a new login. She probably was too lazy\too in a hurry to do it properly. And of course, she shouldn't have slam phone down etc. But on the other hand, I would feel absolutely safe giving her my password, especially if the transaction would be over email. As long as it is documented that she had your password, it's her responsibility, not yours. I would simply change the password after it is not needed by them anymore. So you are not wrong, there simply was no reason to create an issue for both of you, imho.

  26. Your boss was just being lazy and she should've never asked you to do that.  You are in the clear.  BTW, if your boss does try to hold this over your head kindly remind him/her of the Information Security policies and that all it would take is one call to HR or your Chief Information Officer (CIO).

  27. My thoughts "What the h**l is wrong with your boss?!". You did the right thing..the last thing you want is someone tarnishing your work and your reputation. Your boss doesn't have to worry about that, but you do.  Good job.

  28. I don't give my password to ANYONE!! You are perfectly right. You never know what someone will do while logged on as you. Especially a stranger.

    Good for you.

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