So, Here is my question. I married my husband 1 month after we met, the whole month I had a really nagging feeling but didn't listen to it. We have been married for almost 3 years,and have a 2 year old daughter. We just moved into our first house. For the past three years we have tried to make it work, there was a little bit of pushing and bruising at the beginning of our marriage, but that hasn't happened since. I can't talk to him. He doesn't seem to be interested in anything I do or have done, he hates my family. If I want to spend a sunday at my parents house he is like " no sunday is a family day" but if he's family is having dinner on sunday there is absolutely no problem. He got onto my face book account and read some e mails, then he tried to delete my account, telling me he would move into the other bedroom if I promise never to get on face book, or my space again. then I feel like a lier because i said I would and then I reopened my account. I had a really serious boyfriend before I got married and it was something I needed to talk to my husband about, but he didn't want to list on. however I know a lot about his Ex's and I listened to him! I feel like I'm worthless, he had me drop out of school to get a job, then I got inured and I had to quit, then he was angry because I quit and told Me I should just take Ibuprofen and suck it up. I just want respect, but I have zero respect for him anymore, I don't like him. I want to move out but I'm not sure how to go about it. he loves our daughter so much I feel like a horrible person moving out with her. he would have her 3 days a week and I would have her 4. I haven't even talked to him about it and I feel awful. I have a few health issues now because of him, and when I told him about it the first thing he said was, well maybe it was someone else. he makes every crisis I have 10 times worse. he never helps around the house or gives baths or changes diapers. I just want to move back in with my parents but he hates them. I just want some independence. Would I be happier? I mean we have tried counseling like 4 sessions but he decided it was making matters worse and got totally defensive. I know there is more to my life then this marriage, it seems like he doesn't care about anyone elses feelings then his own. I don't know what to do.