We're having a memorial service for my father in law. My husband's ex-wife told my mother in law that she wants to come too.
She was there for the funeral, and I thought it was really nice of her to come and pay her respects. I feel a little awkward about her coming to the memorial service though. I'm not sure why. I guess maybe because right after there will be some sort of dinner party, and the whole family, including siblings aunts uncles, will be there.
I haven't met most of them, and she hasn't either. We will be constantly introduce, as, "so and so, my ex, and so and so, my present..." That makes me feel very uncomfortable.
How would you feel? And how does it work with memorial services? I know in funerals, anyone who wishes can come, but memorials you invite. Is that basically how it works? I'm asking in this section because we're Greek, so it's the Greek traditions I'm interested in.