
Am I wrong to be upset about being a "practice girl"?

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So I asked a question of where I fall in attractiveness percentiles (dont judge)....

and this is a response I recieved:

hot girls always say other girls are pretty, but your what they call a practice girl, no lol

Apparently that's a girl that guys use to master their sexual technique for the REAL girl they're after.

That made me feel really terrible about myself... It got about 10 thumbs down... but still.

Am I wrong for feeling bad about being so disposable? Or should I just never have s*x, since practice is all guys will ever want...




  1. Wow - I find that statement incredibly demeaning and sad. What a jerk!

    But to post your pics on a forum such as this to rate yourself is a little sad, darling. You should know whether you are beautiful or not, and asking trolls in places like this only gets really perverted or sexist answers. I'm sorry that guy wrote that, and I hope you get the confidence you need by just being you. People are brutal about attractive people they know, let alone someone they don't know on the internet.

  2. An extra spare tire that wears out fast and easy.

  3. That was the answer of a first-class jerk.  You're not wrong to be upset about being called a "practice girl." But you're not one unless you allow yourself to be.

    You're probably not what people would call "conventionally hot." Neither am I. But women like us get to grow into our beauty on our own terms.

    Also I can say I've never dated a narcissistic guy who wanted a trophy girl. And I've never settled for anyone who makes me feel disposable. I've got a great boyfriend right now whom I would not trade for anything in the world.

    Don't worry. There will be middle-ground between "practice girl" and celibate. Practice feeling good about yourself. Learn to dress the body you have so you look and feel good. Discover and play up your good features with hair and make-up. Don't go out with anyone who doesn't make you feel good.

    And don't ask people to judge you online.

  4. I feel really sorry for you and to be honest it brings back memories of my past I'd rather have forgotten about when I used to use less attractive girls for practice. I now know people aren't means to an end but yea..

    Just be careful about who you give yourself to and don't base it on looks because maybe that's where you went wrong?

    edit: oh you're a virgin well then how would they know?

  5. You posted your pic's here???  by far the majority of the "men" here are misogynist and trolls.  Bet ya if he was on this forum, gws and you post his name we can show you all the other horrible things he has said about women.

    look I like to think I know guys pretty well, I've spent a lot of time with a lot of guys just talking and bsing. I'm no expert but with over three years literally stuck on a ship with no one but males for friends...I knew em better then the average girl.

    I have NEVER heard of a practice girl. Guys always go for the best they can get either by looks or by personality(I swear there are men who look at the inside)  Them getting "better in bed" isnt going to help them get better women in the first place.  It isnt like men run around with "rating" cards showing how well the performance is in bed.  So a "practice" girl isnt logical.

    I can understand why you would feel bad, but it isnt true so there is no reason to be feeling such.

    Some men(and women to be fair) have a chip on their shoulder, and they only look out to hate and hurt others.  YOU have got to buck up a little darlin, they can only hurt you if they let you.  You are worth more, dont listen to BS.

    The key to finding love? Be happy with yourself first, if you dont see your own value and beauty how can you expect another you.

    My suggestion or at least what helped me with such see the world, take on challenges that others and maybe even you expect to fail and conquer them!

    As to s*x...I dont care if you wait for marriage, however I would highly recommend that you wait until you are truly in love with him and know it's right by his actions as well. Dont throw such a thing away on nothing, yet dont protect it from the whole world that wont help either.

  6. yeah that's what they want..they don't want you.

    the one who wants you only- won't want just s*x.

    that's why major religions around the world tell everyone to wait until marriage. I am not wrong about it.

    they studied how women would be treated - if men were allowed free s*x.

    that's why we have so many women- headed families (north america), which are alway running into problems.

    I bet you aren't married. if you haven't saved yourself for marriage then you made yourself disposable.

  7. Yes, you are wrong to be upset! I hope this doesn't sound patronizing, but people who say mean things are only trying to boost themselves by putting you down... because they are insecure and well... stupid.

    The way that you ask this question transmits to me that you are a curious, dynamic young woman. Your attractiveness level is not your only resource, so don't worry what others say. When you get out into the world and start living via your own judgment, real men will be falling all over themselves to be with you. And it will be about more than s*x. Just be patient. Your time will come.

  8. firstly there is such thing as practice girls to all those people who are naive and in denial.. its sad but true.

    yeh its a pretty slack idea but i guess it happens.

    but dont listen to the answers ppl give when rating a photo of u on Y!A because sitting at home on their own computers they can say anything they like, it doesnt mean its true.

  9. And you're letting people on Y!A tell you what guys think of you? Sad, sad, sad.

  10. You can only be a "practice girl" if your dating men who are OUT OF YOUR LEAGUE in the first place.

    Date men who are your EQUAL and you'll be fine.  

  11. Bones made a good point. Anyone that egotistical would not "practice" in the first place. They would not seek to pleasure their partner, so why practice at it?

    I wouldn't say wait till marriage, but don't put out quickly. Get to know the guy. Have you met his parents? His friends? How much do you really know about him and his personality?

    When a woman offers s*x quickly I see it as "This(s*x) is all I have of value to offer people." It shows a lack of self-esteem in my opinion.

  12. You are what you let yourself become.

  13. I don't doubt there are guys out there like that, but they're not guys who even deserve to be with a woman as long as they think that.  He's an idiot.  Sure some guys would probably use you like that, but there's going to be somebody who doesn't feel that.  We're not all 100% alike.  Chalk that up to a dummy and move on.

    I won't judge, but I do wonder why you posted a question like that.  A part of me thinks this might've been a guy who was trying to attack you.  Plus, if you hang around Yahoo Answers long enough, you'll get told things like that, and a lot worse (death threats are always fun to get, for instance), so you have to let these things go.

  14. Their is nothing wrong w/ the way you look. Why do you down yourself so much and obsess over how you look? s***w the jerk that made that comment. Some people get a kick out of hurting others.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Everyone isn't attracted to the same things. So stop downing yourself so much. From what I can see there is nothing wrong w/ you.  

  15. You don't look like a practice girl, if a guy treats you like one then he doesn't deserve you.

    btw. I think you are really cute.

  16. It's wrong to be upset about something that isn't necessarily true.  Do you honestly think that all guys think one way and see every woman the same way?

  17. A complete stranger - who could be an 80 year old woman or a 9 year old boy, made a rude and offensive comment - shame on that person but also shame on you - you walked into an ambush, knowing you were walking into an ambush.........perhaps you are beautiful, perhaps you are average, perhaps you photograph extremely well, perhaps you don't, perhaps you grow uglier once you open your mouth, perhaps speaking makes you more beautiful.  All I know is that, invariably, it's rarely the most attractive woman in the room who has the most admirers - it's always the smartest, funniest, kindest.........

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