
Am I wrong to feel a little pissed off about girls' night out gone awry?

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Every once in a while my 3 friends and I do dinner and a movie as girls' night out. We all work jobs and go to school, so whenever we do get a chance to hang out we all make the best of it.

One friend had to go to the airport at the last minute, so she wasn't able to go. That left me, friend A, and friend B. We had agreed earlier that day that I'd meet up at friend A's house and pick up A and B. The plan was to either catch an early show and get dinner at our favorite place after the movie, or get food first and then catch a late show.




  1. No, and I would have told then so.

  2. NO WAY I would be majorly pissed off too. Tell them how you feel, and if they're true friends it won't happen again.

    But you have every right to be mad.

    Every right.  

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