
Am I wrong to have a major crush on a politician?

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Am I wrong to have a major crush on a politician?




  1. Dear asker, allow me to say you are totally 100% wrong  :).

    I mean, think it over... what are the odds? I can give you tons of discouraging examples, unless you would like to benefit from publicity following a scandal with him :)

    Bottom line, best politicians are liars, frauds and cons; so you should be asking yourself: do I want to fall for such a guy?...

  2. If it's McCain or Biden, then yes.

  3. which politician, I need to know which one then I'll decide whether you're wrong or not

  4. Use your brains, not your hormones.

  5. Whatever you like honey.  Let's just hope it's not Obama. Surely, McCain and Biden are too old.  Palin is quite attractive, but really...

  6. Half of our party has a crush on our VP.  I can't see that it does any harm.

  7. Obama's forehead looks like it can be used as a landing strip...and McCain looks like the mummy recently dug up in Egypt.But whatever waves your flag...

  8. Yes. You are wrong.

    You are wrong in so many ways.

  9. Depending on the politician, it may just show poor taste in men.

  10. If it's Obama... NO

    If it's McCain.... WTH

  11. Only if you're of voting age, and decide to base your vote solely on that crush.  Otherwise, nah.

  12. I do now...

  13. Just beware of cigars.

  14. Lisa R..That was too funny!!! LMAO!!!! But I agree, If its Obama can't blame you but if its McCain then yuck!

    Betty Boop...what is wrong with you? A crush on a politician is simply a fantasy. Nothing wrong with that. What does him having to be married have anything to do with it? Its a fantasy!!

  15. Is he or she married?  Then it is wrong.  

  16. Monica is that you?

  17. If it is Obama.......................many of us do!!

    McCain................................... way

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