
Am a hillary supporter and i was votting mccain,he has lost my vote. ?

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Hillary supporters we are not desperate and gamblers,we know what we want and we cannot be pushed he has lost all my friends votes 4 his wrong pick.what do u think?




  1. He did to rally the Republicans, not to sway the left. Gov. Palin is representative of a conservative woman appealing more to 'security moms' and Republican women.

    The idea that Hillary supporters are that shallow are why a lot of women left the Democratic party Before Gov Palin was chosen.  

  2. h**l, you can't even spell voting.  One T

  3. palin is a proven reformer and anti-establishment (as compared to her opponents)plus a necessity for mccain in order to shore up his gop base. being a female was just a bonus, in mccains decision.  

  4. i think you should be voting on the president not the vice president.....also i dont know why people are making such a big deal about mccains age....arent his parents still alive...he isnt going anywhere any time soon

  5. He lost my vote along time ago...Obama 08

  6. Why as a "hillary" supporter would you have supported a man who is the exact opposite of everything Hillary stands for in the first place

    John McCain joked about a woman being raped by an ape

    John McCain joked about beating his wife

    John McCain voted against the Violence against women act

    John McCain voted against equal pay for equal work for women

    John McCain voted to gut the Family Medical Leave Act which is used by many women to secure their jobs if they have to take an extended leave of absence to act as a caregiver to an ailing parent or child

  7. Who cares?

  8. I am still in shock over his choice of a female. She is definitely no Hillary! My concern is, if something should and God forbid, but if something should happen to McCain would she be able to take command? I think that other nations would see her as a sign of weakness. You are entitled to disagree, but that is my oponion!

  9. I am thrilled to have a strong, intellegent, tough woman as VP.

    McCain is lousy but he's less lousy than Barry.

  10. NO......I am voting  McCain / Palin  ' 08


    Sarah Palin will be the first woman elected to the White House as VP.

    Sarah Palin will be first Woman President in 2012.

  11. I think you're a hypocrite.  

  12. So go back and support Hillary...It's STILL a free country. If Hillary or Obama have it their way we will be Socialist. Don't know what that means? look it up and see if what they propose dosent fit the bill

  13. What do I think...good for you!

  14. I think you and all your friends are seething with pure green jealousy that McCain picked Palin as his VP while Hillary couldn't even secure the nomination.

  15. I really do believe that McCain is trying to pander to women. I can't think of any other reason why he would make such a whimsical pick. If you ask me, his pick patronizing to women. He thinks that women are wishy-washy.

  16. I think his pick of Palin was perfect.....

  17. I think you are a very smart person.

  18. I agree. He thinks because she wears a skirt we will run and vote for her? We're not that stupid. Policy matters and Palin's policy choices have nothing to do with my life.

  19. McCain made a great VP pick, I will now write him a check and get more actively involved in his campaign. The DNC and Obama is\are clearly sexist and against women, he did not even give the most qualified candidate which was Hillary a consideration for VP because he takes women for granted, in your case I guess he was right.

  20. well....think of this:..she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up!

  21. I think McCain underestimates Clinton supporters.  I have seen a few state they are supporting him, but most know that Palin may be female but is NOT a women's candidate.

  22. That's fine.  It's your opinion.  But you are full of yourselves if you think he was catering to the Clinton voters.  He wasn't.  He was catering to INDEPENDENT white women voters much like Obama was catering to old school white male voters by picking Biden nevermind the fact that Biden is basically the exact opposite of the image he wanted to portray.  I mean h**l, Biden voted FOR the war in Iraq, his sons a Washington lobbyist, and the man is so far removed from "change" that it's sad.   It was Obama who was pandering to you guys.  Obama was the one standing up in front of a colleseum giving some phony contrived speech about the importance of women afatr he completely disregarded Clinton for VP.  And he was the one that stood up with the Clinton's giving forced and contrived speeches about how much they support each other only months after claiming McCain would be a better President.

    The problem is people forget at times like this who they are actually voting for.   It doesn't matter if Palin is a woman, you are voting McCain.  It doesn't matter if Biden has all the experience in the world, you aren't voting Biden you're voting Obama.    Priorities is key and if you can't figure that out you should just stay home.

  23. I think if you were a Hillary supporter you shoud listen to her but vote your concience. Thats the best advice I can give you. I myself will vote for Obama because I believe he will change this country for the good. I am a dem. and I would never turn on my party.

  24. I think you made the right choice! No real Democrat could vote for McCain, even if they felt Hillary was treated badly. This is about our country! Not about a popularity contest. "You made my friend mad, so I'm not voting for you!" Puhleeez!  It's an insult to Hillary supporters for them to suggest that Palin is on the same level with Hillary. They obviously think that one woman is just as good as the next.  

  25. I say if you can't even spell "voting" properly or construct a sentence for that matter, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote!

  26. i agree. he thinks Hilary Clinton female supporters are so gullible. But his pick is now backfiring on him

  27. He didn't choose Sarah Palin because she's a woman.  He chose her because she has the strong, core Republic values that McCain lacks.  He knows he needs to appeal to conservatives to win the election, because he's much farther to the left than most conservatives are willing to vote.  In fact, most of the truly conservative people I know have said for months that they won't vote at all if McCain is the Republican nominee.

    I think his choice of Palin is interesting and I look forward to hearing what she has to say for herself in the next weeks.  I'm reserving judgment on whether or not she was a GOOD pick until I know more about her.

    I have a question for Democrats who were planning to vote for McCain but now are not:  Who do you think he should have chosen for his v.p.?

  28. He never had  my vote, but as a HIllary supporter, or a voter in general, I am truly baffled and disgusted that he would believe it takes gender and gender alone to obtain my vote. Shame on him for selecting a candidate for simply furthering his agenda.  

  29. The purpose for McCain choosing Palin is so that if / when he loses the election, he can blame "the woman" - after all, if the Democrats picked a black man over a white woman to run, then a Republican loss must be attributed to the "fact" that Americans just don't believe a woman can be in either the number one or number two seat in the nation.

    Of course, I have thought either Shirley Chisolm or Geraldine Ferraro would have been great Presidents - what this country REALLY needs is a mommy who knows how to balance a checkbook.

  30. I think you are a paid Obamite looking to try and spread a bunch a hooey about McCain and Palin simply because she's an awesome addition to the ticket - one with more experience then Barack wishes he had.  

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