
Am a vegitarian are there any un-obvious foods i cant eat?

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i obviously dont eat jelly sweets and marshmallows but what else as a vegitarian cant i eat ?

PLEASE no smart **** comments that i cant eat meat...its not funny..just go get a life




  1. Well you can't eat some candies, like starbursts, gummie bears, gummie worms, anything gummy really and Jello products.

    and some lard in like cookies or foods so always call the companies. I always do.

  2. I think GM is a real worry here because they don't have to put on the label how they've modified it. As well as the example further down, there is talk that to genetically modify potatoes, they use something from spiders.

    As vegetarians we have absolutely no idea and its getting harder and harder I think. If we can't trust vegetables what chance do we stand!

    Sorry if that's a bit gloom and doom but perhaps we need to start a campaign with the Vegetarian Society - "Keep Veggies Veggie" or something!!!!

  3. watch out for gelatin and animal rennet( enzymes) that are in cheese. "Cabot" cheese is completley vegetarian and it's so good! Also some chips have lard in them so check the ingredients. Mcdonalds french fries are soaked in beef fat so don't go there for fries! Wendys is fine! Other things you are unsure about just check the ingredients and you'll know if something isn't vegetarain! Good luck and keep it up! ; )

  4. Some wines and most beers have isinglass added to help them clear. This is made from the swim bladder of a fish and so is not vegetarian.

  5. some jello and marshmellows have some kind of pig meat...... but i dont know if they still do that.......................................

  6. Walkers cheese and onion crisp - made with animal rennet.

  7. I don't know if they're available where you are but...

    The 2 most useful things that help me stick to my vegan diet (but would also work for a vegetarian) are my copies of The Animal Free Shopper and the A-Z of Animal Ingredients.

    Basically the 2nd gives you a complete rundown of all the non suitable ingredients and what they are. So you can check anything you are unsure of. The 1st lists all foods/household products/toiletries etc that are proven to be completely animal free.

    It makes shopping a lot quicker and easier. Though if you are a vegetarian as opposed to vegan, when it comes to foodstuffs, are they not required to label them as whether they are/ are not suitable for vegetarians? It's compulsary here nowadays and has been for a while. But I'm in the UK. Naturally these things vary from country to country.

  8. Anything good, from what I can see.

  9. mars bars


    most soft drinks in mcdonalds (fish stabalizers in it)

    worcester sauce

    Kellogg's Frosted Wheats

    Tango Orange

    Sacla Classic pesto

    Müller Light yoghurts




    lemsip products

  10. any thing wi geletin in it. So ye the jelly sweets n stuff, but its n other stuff as well isnt it.

    wat bout fish? coz ano some vegetarians eat it (eg ma sis) but its still meat. I dont get that.

  11. cheese and onion crisps as they contain animal products, however u can eat a lot of the meat flavoured ones as they dont!

  12. You can't eat meat. (I don't have a life) ha ha. Certain oils? fats? I'm not sure, it's a question of reading the label.

  13. beer






  14. well you deffinently SHOULD eat beans for the protien, but what some people dont know is that most beans at fast food resturants such as taco bell are cooked in animal fat//

  15. Worcestershire sauce contains anchovies.

  16. It depends on how strict you are...

    Some sugars are refined using animal bones... I don't know how widespread that practice is, but if you're worried about it you can use evaporated cane juice instead.

    No jelly sweets, or things containing gelatin (jello, some pie fillings, some candies). They do make vegan marshmallows.

    Some sauces and marinades have chicken stock in them, as wells as some vegetable soups... read the ingredients.

    A lot of cosmetics have animal products in them. Try to find things that are vegan-approved.

    And I guess Foie Gras is out.

  17. grass the cows need it

  18. I'm strictly Kosher, so I'm in a similar boat.  A LOT of candy has gelatin in it (Skittles, Starburst, etc.) and I've never been able to have that because of that.  Even some cereals are questionable (obviously Lucky Charms, but also frosted shredded wheat and others).

    As a precaution, look on the ingredients for gelatin -- don't eat what contains it.

    If you eat fish, you can have kosher marshmallows which are made with a special ingredient that is similar to gelatin but is not derived from beef.

    As for other Yahoo answers that say that Skittles/Starburst is made with Kosher gelatin, that's not true (because if it was, the entire product would bear a kosher symbol).

  19. Gelatin, as others have pointed out, is also in foods with hard frosting like Pop Tarts and Frosted Mini wheats, and also yogurt.

    Lard or animal shortening can be in refried beans and cake frosting that comes in the plastic cans.

    Anchovies are in worcestershire sauce and Caesar salad dressing.

    And then there's natural flavoring.  I am pretty sure if it's egg, dairy, or fish it has to have an allergy warning.  If it's meat, it doesn't have to say that.

  20. it's spelled vegetarian you dumby

  21. I just realized most yogurt has gelatin, but you can easily find some without it.

  22. I've once noticed  lard in a brand of Skippy peanut butter!  Luckily I returned it before I ate it! Skippy does have a lard free variety now!  Also  crackers..  Premium crackers useto contain lard but they switched to soybean oil!   Some Cocoas also contain animal oil.   Read ingredients list of what you buy!   As for Marshmallows there's not much gelatin in them as they are 96% sugar

    also there are marshmallows made with locust bean gum   that's vegetarian but not vegan!

  23. jellies. most chewy sweets have gelatine which is crushed animal bones. some things with red colouring have cochineal in them which is beatle blood. also shellac isnt V sometimes found in choc covered nuts/raisons. always look for the V label on foods

    so anything with:

    gelatine/ gelatin



    thats all i can think of. iv been veggie for 16yrs

  24. pudding it also has good protein

  25. Some sweets & drinks have Cochineal in (also known as E120) to make them red. This is made from crushed insects.

    Some things say they're vegetarian but contain battery-farmed eggs - watch out if you want to avoid them.

    Some alcoholic drinks are fined using fish bladders.

    Some cheeses contain animal rennet (normally made from calves) - choose cheeses with vegetable rennet or cream/cottage cheese.

    Some margarines and pastries contain animal fat.

  26. Licorice Allsorts :-((

    The leading brands of licorice contain gelatine, as do trebor mints, polos and some other peppermint sweets. Some beers & wines use isinglass as finings (to clear the liquid).

    All is not lost, you can get info from the Vegetarian Society, also the Vegan Society. And we are using pressure on various companies, eg. Hellman's are now boasting their free-range mayo.

    And what you eat out of, if you're mega-strict - yes, bone china does contain animal bone!


    Be a good veggie, you are an ambassador for our movement, so must earn respect - but also be as positive and joyful about it as you can!

  27. some takeaways fry food in animal fat - you should check before you order

    also sometime GM products - including GM tomatoes can contain a form of fish blubber so they can grow in cold climates - my advise would be to buy organic or grow your own if you are unsure

  28. Some crisps.


  30. Mulligatwny soup

    Curry sauce (always check it's not made from beef juices etc)

    Gravy (buy a vegetable gravy)

    Hawaiian pizza (always comes with ham)

    ps a lot of people have put in 'crisps' but all you have to do is check for a V symbol in a green crisps on the back of the packet...bottom right. it's quite small so it's hard to see, but it's the official vegetarian symbol meaning it's ok to eat! just make sure you check everything you buy that is packaged, tinned etc

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