
Am an engineering student final yr nd my final exams are going on?

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my problem is i cant study..i dnt feel like studying i am fed up of it ....not only that i hav lost interest in everything the only thing which i wud prefer is be inb my room listen to music nd dream..i hav a bf nd i oove him a lot its abt him tht i think the whole time ..i no the consequences of this it will affect my future nd ill be a loser but my attitusde is i am not bothered i love him ths enough ....i realize tht am being a loser but cant help it whtever i think i cant study i always tke decisions make up my mind tht 2day on ill but when it cmes to implementation i tke 5 mins break which never ends i am really worried my bf keeps on telling me study i wud listen anything but this ...

am really worried already 3 exams are over which am sure to fail nd 2morrow hav the 4th exam which i havnt touched am tensed nd worried but hav no interest in sdis pls anybody out dere help me ..i really wnt to finish of wid dis ...plss give me tips how cud i make my studies interetsing..




  1. that guy must be a d**n lucky guy... ehmm force yourself to study...he cares abt u thats why hes asking u to studying... u have exactly the same scenario as me... email me if you wish to... maybe we could work this out?

  2. i feel pity for you but this category is about studying abroad not about anything else

  3. Congraduations on being an engineering student and

    getting to the final stages. That is a tough subject, however,

    the world will be yours............You made it this far...that is

    four years, why give up now?

    Maybe it is just overbearing to you and your heart is only

    thinking about your boyfriend.

    Put it this way......Just think of your boyfriend while you are

    studying...You are making a wonderful life with that

    engineering degree,  which will  also make you lots of money

    ( Income)  when you both decide to marry.

    Do it for him.   If you love him that much, show him you

    will do it and you can do it.

    You are at the finish line.........don't let the other years you studied just slip away.......Be a winner cross the line and

    get your degree.  

    I am betting on you......and you are betting on yourself....

    Go for it....You will win. The future will become more solid,

    and you will be happy.  So will he.

    If you have failed any of the exams, maybe ask if you can

    take them again...since you had a mental meltdown with

    so much information in your, don't think they would

    go for that.  However do ask if you could take it again.

    You don't want to go to summer classes to catch up,

    so pull yourself up and finish now.

    I am sitting on your shoulder, will help you....why not just

    use a yellow marker on the things you think are important

    and will be on the exam.  So you do not have to fill your head

    with other readings.

    Also, maybe your boyfriend could help you by asking

    some questions that you must know to pass.

    Your reward will be him in your arms, and I will be gone and

    not nag you..Lol

    You make a difference in this world, especially with your education.

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